
Im going more with Gavin Belson, honestly. 

Yes, it’s mostly because I loved Back to the Future as a kid.

Hey, remember when there was that person who said we should ban cars and just have trains?

I find it slightly amusing how New Yorkers and other large metropolitan residents want to bash and shake their heads when other parts of the country experience severe weather. They call us idiots for living in their so-called flyover states or in the Deep South, yet a strong thunderstorm warrants headline news when

And Wranglers. Never forget Wranglers.

Well. They’re both good at killing humans.

This Range Rover isn’t just a car, it’s a lifestyle. This is a European luxury sports utility vehicle, it’s a CLASSIC. It’s a wonderful machine, you can use it to traverse the plains of the Serengeti of your life. It’s an amphibious exploring vehicle.

This generation GC’s are to be found everywhere with much fewer miles and for a lot less. Overland? Who cares. Shit ton of reliability and stuff not working issues? I care. CP.


This is the right assessment, in my opinion. Getting 100k miles out of ANYTHING these days is practically a given, 200k not unusual. Getting 100k out of a first gen Kia, Hyundai, or malaise era US made car was unusual and painful, if not outright impossible.

Reverse: It bothers me a little. But what also bothers me is when people say a car is ‘bad’ just because it’s small and/or basic.

RIP, John DeLorean.

Yes, but it’s true. We do not have a cars that are dripping oil and rusting in the showrooms anymore. We do not have Lada Signet, Chevrolet Cavalier or first gen Kia Sportage anymore.

This is a car I’d buy if I were a con man working in the Hilton Head area

I understand where you’re coming from, but the fact is that if it’s too onerous and it’s something that you dread doing, you’ll find reasons not to do it, which will make you feel bad about yourself, which will lead to avoiding it even more. This death-spiral is why it’s so hard for people to stick to an exercise

It’s true, most people pay no attention to other folks at the gym, UNLESS they’re doing very, very dumb and/or dangerous shit. People should never take their exercise cues from the latest edition of InShape or Men’s Health.

I have to disagree with you here. I cancelled my membership at my old gym specifically because of this. While using the treadmill closest to the front counter, I could hear every comment that employees were making about the overweight members who came through the door. Things like “Why does he even bother?” and making



Amen, dude