
No offense, but Edgar Mitchell has been a little...uh, fringe...for a while now. He got into ESP and astral projection shortly after the Apollo program. This is nothing new.

Will Chip Kelly be an atheist when he cuts Tebow?

I’ve always felt a bit sad for him. Most Astronauts will tell you exactly where to stick it on the subject of aliens. Some have seen wonders that defy description and admit they don’t know what happened. Others have stared back from the void at our tiny precious world and felt humbled.

When I was a college coach, I cannot tell you how much I would have loved to ban all our players from social media. I don’t say that because I was concerned about the team interacting with and seeing negative press. Mostly I say that because social media gives rise to a whole host of problems that can fuck with team

The Ravens and Titans already know that Blind Side tackles are a bad idea.

This is why I don’t get worked up when Drew says that Marino “wasn’t that good to be gin with.” Because while he was very good, he is so incredibly overrated.

“I killed a BIG SPIDER and pooped in a PUBLIC BATHROOM.”

I Promise, to work really hard and act as a beacon of hope for the University of Akron...and then transfer to The U at the conclusion of my sophomore year.

Come to Portland where we see this happen multiple times a month. It’s always great. I’ll “share the road” when you all “obey the law”.

That’s a nice, lazy cliche, but it doesn’t apply here.

So you’re implying that the law firm is in on some kind of coverup? Other than your tinfoil hat and apparent complete ignorance of how harassment investigations work under the law, what is your basis for that accusation?

Well who else would you like to pay for it? The girls who are, you know, in college? Or perhaps we can just tax every white person and make a fund to hire the Pinkertons every time someone yells racism?

The simpler explanation is that there was a faction in the locker room that was challenged by Kelly’s change in attitude and pushed this narrative because it was convenient on their way out of town. Reid was hardly a disciplinarian over team or family. It may sound unfair to invoke family but a judge publicly called

Thank you!! These guys do love a good racism angle anywhere they can create one. This was all started by First Take and now it's suddenly a thing. Such garbage

I'm pretty sure that Kelly had trouble relating to most people, no matter what culture. The guy seems to be a candidate for a spectrum disorder diagnosis.

“ You can’t help but cock your head to the side and wonder if there really is something to all of this.”

Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get back on the expressway?

Destroying cell phones to hide evidence seems to be part of New England’s playbook (see Aaron Hernandez).

When I was small, my parents decided to buy NFL pajamas for me and my brother. I got the Giants and have been mostly glad to be a fan of that team ever since.

I thought Ray Farmer was a smart pick. I thought wrong. I think you have to dump the GM and stick with Pettine. I think that guy can actually coach.