
Maybe it’s my privilege talking, but nothing excuses the way he has treated people smaller and weaker than he is.

since it's metric, it's all in powers of ten. So a fuckton is 10^6 shitloads.

Yes, yes you certainly do.

Might sound obvious, but don't ever buy a project car as your only car. Seriously.

Not sure why this site criticizes this girl for crying, but celebrates Georgia State's coach for doing the same. Is her passion for her team any less noteworthy because she is a girl playing a little flute in the stands? She contributes little to the game, so we should all laugh at her insignificance? I find her

But is Drew ELITE???

Meh. The regular season "meaning something" is overrated anyway. You can say the same thing about college football that everyone is always droning on about how games in September matter. Meh whatever. No one would care about the OVC if they didn't have a conference tournament with a bid on the line and even, people

Funny you mention that, I had made a similar comment on a recent article about the DeLorean.

No garage, no driveway, living in a rental apartment with shared building parking. Makes me miss the house (and barns) I grew up with, for sure. If I didn't work on my own car back then, I wouldn't have had a functioning car.

So what you're saying is, you would need to screw over a shitload of 1980's stereotype Lybians.

17 feet per gallon? Better MPG than my wrangler...

If the first part of your argument about a foul call is "time and score," you are tacitly admitting that it was a foul, you just think he should be able to get away with it in that situation.

Bro, bro, why you no XJ, bro?

All the benefits you list here for thousands less, not to mention it's simple enough that Junior can learn how to wrench and do some of his or her own car maintenance. Not to mention you just got done telling us that only Old Money buys Land Cruisers. WHERE'S YOUR CONSISTENCY, DOUG?

Teenager here.

The single best answer to this question is Wrangler!

Wrangler. Yeah, the Cherokee is a nice mall cruiser that can party in dirt, but Wrangler.

The Grammys are on tonight?

I used the rear seat from my Jeep as a sofa in my living room for 4 months, until my gf complained and made me buy us a real sofa

I live in Spain, and have slowly gained an assembly of people willing to stay up late to watch a game they like but don't understand. People take off work to stay up and watch something that stops all the time and has esoteric rules.

And you've just summed up the next 4 days of sports talk radio in a single sentence.