
So sad. He doesn't have the footballs at the pressure he likes.

If you really want to track him down for an interview, you can find him during the game, sitting in the stands, just being a regular ol' fan!

Hot take alert: "Patriots' Best Players Create Patriots' Best Chances To Win Games".

In the interest of weight savings and the ongoing battle for every last tiny mpg, it's only a matter of time before NO cars come with even a donut spare anymore.

Keepin' it real

When Bill Bellichick heard the news of this report earlier tonight, he promptly fired the team's equipment manager for failing to do his fucking job right by not under-inflating that 12th goddamned football.

Uh, no. The old overtime sudden death rules were the ones decided by the coin toss.

Be careful.

Its long way to the ground from that high horse.

The 1929 stock market watched the end of the game and was like, "Now that was a fucking collapse."

I've never understood why the NFL just didn't have teams coming off a "bye" week play the Thursday night game. That way the teams have a week and a half to rest.

Miami: A great place to be wealthy because your dad was.

If a former employee leaves you to work in the unhappiest city, that probably doesn't say much for you.

'Bachelor Party'

Prosecutors remain baffled at the fact that of all the people surveyed, they can't seem to find a Patriots fan who began following the team before 2001.

Clear as day PI. But Jim Caldwell needs to go for it on 4th and 1 there. He got what he deserved on the shanked punt AND Dallas converting 4th and 6 on the next drive.

And up until now I thought the guy was an idiot. Boss move indeed.

"...the Bills won't have an easy way to upgrade the QB position with a middle-of-the-pack draft pick."

I believe you meant to say that the Bills will be unlikely to upgrade their quarterback position with their middle-of-the-pack draft pick because the Cleveland Browns will be using it to try to upgrade theirs.

As long as you change the oil the AMC straight 6 will run until the apocalypse comes.