
I have no doubt that somewhere, there’s a Stonewall Jackson Sessions or a Nathan Bedford Sessions, just waiting for their moment in the sun.

I’m not sure you’re looking at the timeline correctly, though. Certainly there’s no reason *now* to assume that an FBI director would be a career agent. We’ve had 40 years of directors since Hoover, and in some ways, it’s starting to seem as though the people appointing them have decided that actual experience with

Except even in sociology, there’s agreement and an understanding that in general terms, yes, there’s approximately a 20-year span in a generation, for one very simple reason - that’s roughly the time when people start settling down and having kids. You know, the *next* generation.

“Other people at the event were due consideration of going to this event without the kids wailing.”

Seems like the only people demanding a safe space is the DeVos supporters. I mean, YOU’RE the one insisting that everyone else just sit down, shut up, and tolerate whatever drivel this administration chooses to spew.

Frankly, it doesn’t matter who it is - they have no business talking to a 4th grader without a warrant and without that child having a parent, guardian, and/or child advocate present before they’re even allowed in the same room. I don’t care if the kid’s a pint-sized Lizzie Borden. They still have legal rights and the

And where’s that Republican plan again, sunshine? They’ve had control of Congress for years - surely that’s plenty of time that they could have gotten around to actually coming up with something.

There are any number of reasons that he might not have applied for citizenship, not the least of which is that it’s an expensive, time-consuming, and yes, intimidating process. Why should he have to? And just as importantly, what business is it of yours?