
Oh my god, the look on Miss Phillipines face in that gif. It’s like “I’m sorry but really, I’m not the bitch here you know that right? I really did win. It was that jackass that screwed this all up. What am I supposed to do? Let her win? Pretend it’s OK then let all get work out back stage? OH SHIT, I left the curling

I hate to say this, but if it had been planned, they would have had a closeup of her with tears in her eyes. Instead they kept the camera off of her, which was the least they could do considering the situation.

I’m surprise people even understood what he was saying. His voice is just. I. I just can’t with him. I don’t see his appeal. My husband loves him. We live in the Metro area of Atlanta and he wanted to go to the taping of Family Feud. I really didn’t want to go, but he really wanted to, so I got tickets for the whole

He probably posted it from his own phone. I imagine his autocorrect expects him to use Philippians more frequently

Thing is, if they are actually using Valrhona, Mast bars shouldn’t taste bad. I love Valrhona. It’s good chocolate.* Not waxy or gritty at all. If they aren’t making their chocolate, I doubt they are using Vlarhona. So, what are they using?

Somewhere (in Portland, probably) there’s a machine that spits dudes like those guys out by the dozens. We must find this machine, lest we be flooded with inane conversations about small batch bourbon and banjo / mustache wax.

Making chocolate is extremely hard. That’s why so few companies do it but instead get already made chocolate from elsewhere. Here’s a little knowledge, if the place you are buying your chocolate from calls themselves “chocolatiers” they didn’t make their own chocolate. Only bean to bar companies can legally call

Americans typically adopt their black kids from Africa.

There is something off about this sister and brother in law. From the very start they insisted that it was a workplace shooting and the killers weren’t involved in ISIS and there were no warning signs. Clearly there were being coached by CAIR as to what to say. Then lo and behold the shooters’ own father came out and

The sister and her husband seem like good people but I wonder who’s decision was it to hire their Sandy Hook denying, having a beard being made fun of as the rationale for murder, they want to take all the guns away, crazy pants lawyer of theirs? I question the character of whoever hired that nutbag.

I’m a black french muslim woman living in France and I don’t think it’s a good idea until the sister cuts off her contacts to the hardline islamist groups she is engaging with (Jamaat-e-Islami).

According to Buzzfeed, Sierra Clayborn’s FB photo still features a French flag to show her solidarity with the victims in Paris.

Starred for “bewigged dogs.”

looks A LOT like Caitlyn here

thanks for that mental image, is it too early for whiskey?

So the pilot is either a racist asshole being afraid of a man of Middle Eastern descent or he’s a petty asshole for taking revenge on someone he thinks cut him off in traffic. Of course, he could always be both but so far he’s only admitted to be a petty little turd-monger.

A link for what? the footage being deleted? if so, here:

I don’t know if I’d put any blame on the mayor about this - police are the ones that refused the reporter at the door. If the mayor and police superintendent had wanted a larger audience in attendance, they would have reserved a larger room and had it been their intent to have the reporter there he would have