
Until he comes back as a zombie dog. That will suck even more.

And now they have a zombie Hodor and a zombie dire wolf to add to the mix.

SUMMER! You were too good to go.....

Don’t forget that the last Stark that Sansa saw was their father, when he was being executed. So much bad water under the bridge for her.

In the book Jaime comes back to rescue her because he dreamed about her. And he tells her that. He’s all surprised, shocked really, at his growing attraction to her.

After being engaged to Joffrey, married against her will to Tyrion, and reluctantly sacrificed in marriage to Ramsay, I’ll bet that Sansa will go all Virgin Queen and refuse to put herself in the hands of a man again.

Ramsay and the Sparrow - please lock yourselves in a room and bore each other to death and leave us out of it!

One thing struck me - the last time Sansa had seen another Stark was when her father was being executed!

That creep got out in 2 1/2 years? Total BS.

I’m glad at least she has a close and supportive relationship with her parents.

“A man and woman with the same education, hours worked, experience, etc. will make the same doing the same job.”

Why not just spray it down with your garden hose? It might be thirsty.

The single biggest reason people visit the ER on Christmas Day is from getting cut while trying to open clamshell packaging! Ban that crappy crap!

I visited their shop in Brooklyn because I had just been in the beer garden next door. They were roasting something and the fumes made my eyes feel like they were tasting chocolate.

I find that photo frightening too.

This is just fucking glorious!

I think about this case and what kills me is that Laquan had been in foster homes since age 3. Age 3 is the height of cuteness! Someone gave up an adorable 3 year old and then years later, he is killed by a policeman who should have been there to protect him.

Let’s see - you could look like a corpse (in a box), a disabled robot (in a chair), a frozen disabled robot now being lifted up (by another robot), or a robotic waitress who is pants-challenged. How sexy?????

Chlamydia, gonnoreah, and syphillis - could this have anything to do with antibiotic resistance? More info is needed.

She looks sweaty and washed out. I like the other look better but she would look better in this if she had her dark hair back.