
It'sa me! Your Supplier

I know....that's the point...I was trying to...sigh...just forget it

"I knew Josh was hurting just as much as I was because Jerry was his brother. If being mad at Josh would bring Jerry back, then I'll be mad at Josh, because I want my son, but then what do you give to the rest of your family if you're bitter. So, I had no problem with him coming to be at the memorial service with us,

Rice and his team created a mathematical model that explains why homosexuality is passed through epi-marks, not genetics. Evolutionarily speaking, if homosexuality was solely a genetic trait, scientists would expect the trait to eventually disappear because homosexuals wouldn't be expected to reproduce. But because

"Fifty-three yards into the wind? F that"

Judge: Mr. Dershowitz, explain again why you had your junior associate strike Mr. Clement with a briefcase?


Wow, what an arrogant jerk....wait, he's not black. Wow, what a competator, caught up in the moment!

aren't biathletes banned from this year's games?

Gotta start somewhere, doesn't he?

I find it awesomely appropriate that the Jacksonville Jaguar logo looks exactly like Tom Ley.

Kids are also Wade-ing, where they remove all the cartilage from their knees, only show up to 50% of the school days, and stay in class after all the other kids have left to argue grades.

Millen: I’m telling you man…. receivers man… receivers.. they are going to start taking over the league man, I can see it…you can probably just draft a team of all receivers man… and you’d win… they’d be all like “throw me the ball man” and you’d throw them the ball because they’d be everywhere… totally

"Oh man, what if football ... was no good... at me?"

Considering the possible ramifications of going to a movie in Colorado, the first person I'd invite is my shooting guard.

The use of public funds on sports stadiums and arenas is bad enough, but at least there's a concrete goal

Wow, he even borrowed Joe Amendola's legal crayon.

Is it any surprise that the BBW Association of America would hand down a heavy penalty?