Bill loves to do old Carols, in addition to old Susans, Veronicas, Rebeccas, Kellys, Ashleys....
Bill loves to do old Carols, in addition to old Susans, Veronicas, Rebeccas, Kellys, Ashleys....
Gashing through the hole
Former Patriot Donte' Stallworth has a special place in his heart for "Slay Ride."
He knows when you've been sleeping,
I expected Raysism to be a little older
Step 2: divorce. Your spouse probably deserves someone who respects him/her a bit more than you do.
Logic trap.
Recruitor: I love my little beary-boy, he's a baby! He's a baby boy. [kissing noises]
It would have been 64 but he rimmed out a five footer.
I enjoy commenting on Deadspin because every time I think I have gone immediately to the lowest common denominator, three burners come in and immediately get even more useless and stupid than I.
An amazing display, to be sure. But it is a little depressing to note that in the last seconds of the clip you can see the beginnings of the Parkinsonian tremor that would come to plague him in later years.
That's assuming those movements are voluntary
My favorite feature of the Gingerbread Estate is how all of the gingerbread women hold their purses tightly if you add a chocolate cookie to the set
Papelbon: Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me!
It's that time of year - the time of year when we collectively pretend we care about this stuff. We volunteer to serve holiday dinners in soup kitchens, we donate money, we collect toys and coats, and so on. The Great Annual Pretense begins at the beginning of November, and lasts till December 25.
The rest of the year…
If one more person tells me that welfare is fun and people are just 'lazy', I'm going to print this story and give it to them. Well first I'm going to scream on the inside, but I'll follow up with giving them some reading. Poverty is not fun. Poverty hurts the most vulnerable among us. Surely we can do better.
Thank you for telling your story here, that can't have been easy.
Was there a different title up there before? Because "Why I believe Jameis Winston's Accuser" doesn't seem out of bounds to me. Newspapers often publish editorials where the title is an opinion, and it's understood the opinion belongs to the author, not the paper as a whole. Since every Gawker site is designed to be…
Thank you for telling your story, Julie.