
A lot of people struggle with mental health and it wreaks havoc on their friendships and relationships this way. So sad for both of you...

Hmmm you can take this with a grain of salt but I remember an ex telling me she ghosted a guy she really liked and was really into because she was going through major depression. She seemed to never forgive herself. I know someone else who went through the same thing but with friends. I’ve gone through serious things

The kids are put in the system just a different one and the facilities are not jail. The kids are kept with their parents and should definitely remain together even when deported. When the child is 18 they can come back or they can remain here with a relative or legal guardian until their parent gains legal entry. The

It’s unfortunate for them but their parents committed a crime. This happens everyday in the hood. Someone’s parents sold weed and they go to jail.

There has been less crime in my neighborhood since the raids started.

Thank you. I don’t understand why so many people are ok with this. There are reasons we have laws and encouraging people (and cities) not follow the law is just messed up. Illegal immigrants drain our resources. When employers employ illegal immigrants it sets up an environment where the employer can get away with

Why is there an article on here teaching criminals how to evade the law?

Welcome to Black People’ World! It’s a helluva ride, ain’t it?

The active ingredient in Benadryl is the main component of many prescription sleeping pills too. They just add in a little extra something that causes it to slow release. I found out when my roommate was in Pharmacy school and I couldn’t sleep and she let me in on the secret.

Sooooo...someone didn’t comply with the law and is now dealing with it? Hmmmm I’m sorry I just think this fight is BS. We have laws AND she was even here via DACA and failed to keep her status valid. How is it fair to the people who follow the rules when you let some people break the rules?

Sooooo...someone didn’t comply with the law and is now dealing with it? Hmmmm I’m sorry I just think this fight is BA. We have laws AND she was even here via DACA and failed to keep her status valid. How is it fair to the people who follow the rules when you let some people break the rules?

Shit happens...

I agree. In the development of America, Black people are the Jewish people of America. I’ve always said the hate of Black and Jewish people go together like traffic and weather. In America when they go after one the other is soon to follow.

“Are you that guy...”

I think it’s clear she’s dealing with more than addiction. Probably BPD based on her mother’s interactions with her and the implications that she was raped as a child. That requires a lot treatment to overcome.

Agreed. The only thing Lindsay has ever done was be exploited and pimped out as an underage girl/child by her mother and the entertainment industry. People should be rallying around her. She was abused as a child.

People can change their minds for whatever reason. We can’t live anyone’s life and experience their influences or know their thinking for 100% certainty. Its not our place to judge anyone.

What I’m trying to understand is how is renaining in the US illegally when you illegally came here when there are legal (although complex and arduous) means to enter and stay is that the same as US citizens who were denied their alienable rights and fought to ensure those inalienable rights (because they

Lol my family participated in the civil rights movement, I grew up in the South, I’m LGBT, and I studied these movements in a PhD program and then taught about them so I think I know what I’m talking about. Take the time to ask real questions and engage in productive discussion.

Harriet Tubman didn’t illegally immigrate to the United States. To compare illegal immigration to the Transatlantic slave trade is so disrespectful and ignorant of American slavery and the abolitionist movement. In case you’re wondering I spent 6 years of my life only reading case law and source documents on the