
What’s wrong with convincing a woman to keep her baby or giving her non-lethal options? To think something is wrong with that is just as extreme as saying a woman shouldn’t have access to safe centers for termination.

They need to change that

Caution spoiler!

Leave us alone please.

Rhianna does not have a white parent. Both her parents are black. Not sure where you got that from. But right on to all else you said.

Why are you suggesting he sexually assault his wife?! She doesn’t want to have sex with him so short of forcing her how is he going to have sex with her? He needs to move on. Sometimes we marry the wrong person and that’s ok.

I️ swear it’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t for black folks.

The complainers would not have a problem with this app if it were in another language and was a directory to find say Vietnamese or Serbian refugee-owned businesses in a particular city. In fact, it would be congratulated and “cool.” The negativity stems from the 1) ignorance of Black culture 2) intentional ignorance

Sweet potato pie is soulfood not southern. Please correct.

This could not have been a black woman.

I️ had this problem for years and it was crippling. My advice to you is to create an alter ego that you tap into when you have to meet with customers. I️ got the idea after reading about how Beyoncé created her alter ego Sasha Fierce (ok silly but figured I’d try it). So i did it and it worked. I️ don’t need the alter

Not much consent based how we’d interpret it. It’s science’s dirty secret. Read about how they discovered you need folic acid during pregnancy 😞

Thank you for your Public Health Service. I worked closely with epis in a past career and I have a lot of respect for what they do. It’s sad that this craziness took root so strongly and is threatening to send us back to a time where really deadly diseases were a part of life.

Yes of course! *slaps forehead* if I turn the mic “off” it’s surely not listening anymore 😑. 100% believe that.... /s.

Yes of course! *slaps forehead* if I turn the mic “off” it’s surely not listening anymore 😑. 100% believe that....

Because some people don’t like the idea of all their intimate conversations being monitored and recorded? 🤷‍♀️

Because some people don’t like the idea of all their intimate conversations being monitored and recorded? 🤷‍♀️

What do you mean this train has left the station? Curious

I have two degrees in the humanities which helped me transition to tech. I crushed my colleagues in terms of performance because of how my humanities degree had trained me. I broke out on my own and now make six figures and have a lucrative business. I’m on track for seven figures in a few years. The reality is that

I think it depends on who you are, who you’re talking to and (maybe) how old you are. But I’m no expert. Just know what feels right for me.

I use queer because I don’t feel like I fit the bi label but I’m not a lesbian and I’m not straight but I’m feminine but don’t feel like a femme or a stemme and I’m a switch and I lean more poly but I’m conservative and although I look mainstream I’m actually not. So I’m just queer.
