
In the mid-00s I used to get this all the time while I was in grad school. I did some research to find out what it was and why I kept getting “randomly” searched. I’m a regular ol’ black girl with a basic name so I couldn’t figure it out. I became irritated with the security guard about it and they started

They also didn’t cultivate a sense of humor! My parents didn’t cultivate fear either but I get all these jokes because I guess I don’t have a stick up my ass.

Lol “the other high school” was real if you were even the slightest of a good kid from a good family that made sure you somehow went to the good school. The other school was like a mythical hell zone you could only imagine but never wanted to see.

I think there’s something to a certain segment of black people being afraid of cats. My sister and neighbor are in the group. But these black folk always seem to kinda crazy or off in some way. So I told someone recently that when I meet someone who is scared of cats I just assume they have some sort of undiagnosed

I think a lot of people are underestimating how brutal these gangs are. Live near an area with Latin gangs and you’ll probably change your opinion. I had no reference for them until I moved to a new city in an immigrant area where there were Latin gangs and holy shit! I thought I had seen some things in the hood but

Absolutely not true, particularly in the South. I’m a petite, black woman who’s the epitome of upstanding citizen (I work in a field that requires a lot ethics and reporting) and the worst experience I’ve ever had was being stopped by the police on the way to see my father who was dying. I was interrogated about the

Ding ding ding!

Planet Fitness is a “judgment free” zone, which makes it unsuitable for dating, and certainly for finding a life partner. 

Again, you’re clearly not from the South! The KKK and neo-Nazis flourished (and still do) in HIGH SCHOOLS in my hometown in the 90s and 00s. No one was not proclaiming their affiliation. It was not silenced or oppressed. I regularly encountered this in college (where we had student groups based on the same rhetoric

Omg! My sister was taught this years ago and mentioned it to me. She got chastised for (seriously) asking what she needed to know about white culture.

I’m guessing you don’t live in the South? I agree with you in concept but Black people really still are not on equal footing especially in the South. I was outright told I got my first job because “everyone knows lighter skinned black girls are prettier. Even white guys like you light black girls so we hired you.”

I’m ok with this. The traffickers need to punished and sent back and the trafficked need to be returned home. Don’t see a problem.

Loving? American has an incredibly brutal history. Not sure why people keep forgetting this.

Bought a house a couple years ago and had a ghost. Took about 3 sagings to get her out. I think she was the previous owner who I later found out died in the house.

Someone doesn’t understand colonialism...

You sure this was Valdosta? Because I think their cousin in Villa Rica tried to sell me some meat from grocery freezer sitting on the back of a pick up truck in the middle of July. Steaks were 5 for 25 but I prefer my steak medium-well not green...

Vanilla is dark brown.

This is vanilla.

This makes me sad. They were in love ❤️ I hope they still are...