
Wow you’re very judgmental and you know nothing about me. People can be liberal and not agree with everything without question. It’s a sign of critically thinking which “I really don’t care to know” seems to show that’s not a strong suit for you. I do know quite a bit about this issue. Laws are laws. You can lobby and

I don’t agree with that law but if he’s documented he’ll be released and should not have been arrested. My main issue is with immigrants who are illegally and have not gone through the formal process ALONG WITH the businesses that continue to employ them illegally.

Why are you assuming I vote for the GOP? 😕 I totally agree with you. They are doing exactly what you say they’re doing. I’m saying that is wrong and both illegal immigrants and their employers should be prosecuted.

I know people who have little money who have jumped through the hoops. How is that fair to people who follow the law. And illegal immigration does come with many serious issues like black market crimes (human and drug trafficking), tax evasion, makes it easier for employers to abuse them and skirt other laws (for fear

I’m not sure how you got that far. This case is being sensationalized but it’s not the norm. What’s to stop them from turning against naturalized citizens or tourists with visas? They’re here lawfully that’s what. There isn’t a gestapo and there isn’t going to be. Again, we have borders and laws for a reason. We

Actually I’m totally with you. I didn’t realize you were being sarcastic until your last few lines. Both illegal immigrants and their employers should most certainly be prosecuted. The employers are aiding and abetting. I know plenty of business owners that do not break the law. Employers who employ illegal immigrants

Agreed. Both illegal immigrants and their employers should be prosecuted.

Are you doing so legally? If so then great. If not then why do you continue to blatantly break laws?

He’s breaking the law!!! This is really just too much. For the most part I’m liberal but this is just crazy. Why are people ok with he law just blatantly being broken?! I’m referring to illegal immigrants. If you’re not here legally then you should not be here. If you are here legally then ok.

But the people in these cases made a conscious choice to come here and bring their children knowing that what they were doing is illegal and has legal consequences. its the law and the is enforced until it’s changed. The real issue is that the laws have not been enforced or have been enforced unevenly.

No they are enforcing the law, which they were prevented from doing in the past or told not to do. If a person is not legally here they need to be removed.

I don’t understand why people are ok with immigrants illegally being in the country. They’re breaking the law and we have laws for reasons. We have borders and processes. Those borders and processes need to be respected. I do think there’s a problem when only illegal immigrants of color are targeted. All illegal

Good info for Valentine’s Day

I don’t understand why this is so bad.

Sad, yes. But definitely not the saddest when you consider how Europeans and Americans enslaved Africans for display in zoos and circuses.

I’m not biracial but my mom is mixed so her hair is straight and fine like most white people’s hair. But she THOUGHT she could do black hair because it seems that at some point some black people led her to believe that she could do black hair and cornrow and shit 😒. She can’t! My sister and I looked a hot damn mess

I too come from a family with black people who are white looking. I think what MJ was instilling in her is blackness as an ethnicity. America is not ready to think of black people as an ethnic group and not a race. It would take acknowledging a lot of stuff like why we come in so many shades and looks and that we are

Thank you! I was discussing recently with another woman how it’s sad when white people assume we didn’t grow up in homes with fathers present. We both said we had awesome dads!

I think you’re exactly right

“That woman, now identified as Williams, was described at the time as being between ‘25 and 47 years old,’”