
I notice that this generation, in an attempt to show off as much detail in the graphics as possible, overdesigns things. Sometimes a cool suit should be interesting from a distance and through simplicity, not how many moving parts we can throw in there.

Behind the scenes palaeontology museum:

if you like arcade racing a la old school sega, or like stuff like Initial D and the such, just grab it, it's arcade-ish japan-ish racing at it's best imo

I was a travel nurse and landed in New Mexico, decided to take a few days to drive up and explore Colorado, which I did on several occasions to enjoy the picture-postcard-perfect views. On a morning hike came face to face with one large one, yes, blocking the trail, calmly sitting there munching something. I thought,

nah Saturn/PS1 could definitely handle this. Check out Princess Crown on Saturn (which gave birth to games like Odinsphere, etc) and Legend of Mana on PS1. This is something that also bothered me about that Scott Pilgrim game from a few years ago. Everyone said SNES graphics but just like this, it was closer to Saturn

The years mentioned above are when the artworks were made, not the production years of the movies.

This looks like Side by Side (Or Battle Gear, for more modern games) or Shutoku Battle on drugs. Which is actually amazing. Cant wait for it!

With the amount of ridiculous drifting I'm seeing I feel this game should control like Outrun 2. Ridge Racer at the very least.

This one is absolutely wonderful, the best of the lot!

You destroyed our city but I can't stay mad at that face.

I will never understand why grown-ass men find this so interesting. The idea, as a joke in the 80s, seemed funny enough for a one-off. I even understand the appeal of the cheap-o cartoons to a kid in the early 90s - like the similar Barnyard Commandos. But! How they have stuck around for 30 damned years is a big

MAN OF STEEL was a Superman story tied to a Sci-Fi alien invasion plot filtered thru a Terrence Malick shooting style. And because it didn't have the flat sitcom look of THE AVENGERS, some people seem to think that puts it on par with REQUIEM FOR A DREAM.

All the outrage over Man of Steel and "grimdark" would be a lot more credible if it wasn't coming from the same people who hated Superman Returns for being too tongue-in-cheek and campy.

Man of Steel wasn't a dark film and the hero himself wasn't dark. So....

Kickstarter does great things. If you use kickstarter assuming everything will succeed, then you're ignorantly using Kickstarter. Supporters need to stop thinking they're buying a product and start thinking they're supporting a potential product.

I would hope so as it's gold...

I think Bob's Burgers has a big enough fanbase and critical acclaim that it could hold up on its own now, even if it initially had to be kept up with established shows.

No, it is very very funny. There are certainly "cute" moments, but even some of those are handled in a way that's far funnier than expected. Even the climactic end battle is laugh out loud funny in parts.

Hi Charlie! Thanks for sharing the trailer. The idea stemmed from those moments when you think you see someone that sort of looks like you, but like the one who made different decissions. I rolled the idea around in my head, and when I'd had a good long hard stare into the abyss, I created mild timid Anna, the