
Well... I'm usually wary of fan edits. It's easy to praise something for cutting a fridge getting nuked but is it actually well edited?

Eh, to a point, yes, but there are a lot of other ways of encouraging thinking and problem-solving that aren't learned at all in school, not to mention other subjects. In addition to Math I had Physics, Sports and lots of let's-waste-the-kids'-time-some-more classes. I wish I could have swapped those with, say, Art

You'd be surprised with what you can do if you just try it once or twice. It makes a world of difference to actually try.

"Which begs the question about what formula Burton is talking about."

Those Roger Dean planets...

When Metal Gear Solid 4—the last major console outing for Hideo Kojima's beloved franchise—met a mixed reaction, many wondered when and how the next unequivocally great entry in the storied stealth series would arrive. Almost everyone was taken by surprise when it arrived on the PSP, especially as the system was

Oh man, BC. BC could have been great. Sure, the gameplay would probably not be as amazing as advertized but I would settle for a dino-themed free roaming Fable-type game.

Dude was pretty much Buu, Cell and Freeza all rolled into one idiot. His baby form was cool though.

That just looks like a Velociraptor attack.

Hey, I was just playing Impossible Creatures last night. I CAN imagine it.

So how about that Guardians of the Galaxy/ Cowboy Bebop crossover?

I was going to agree, and then I remembered that they'd probably scrap a bunch of cool ideas to use them across 10 games released after this one and you'd get 1, maybe 2 cool new things to do.

Does anyone know a good website to find these kind of concept art/promo renders in HD? I know there's but I'm not sure if it has older stuff like this or stuff from japanese games, nevermind high-res promotional material (for the gaming press). Some of this also make fantastic wallpapers.

Care to share a link to your channel? :)

Here you go:

I really, really liked Luis V. Rey's version (this seems like a temporary sketch of it, but it still looks good):

I remember my brother pointing out that they felt light too. Couldn't they put something inside the guns? Like rocks?

However, given the options, it's more inventive than a reboot or mediocre sequel.

However, given the options, it's more inventive than a reboot or mediocre sequel.

His face, voice and mannerisms here honestly feel scarier than his form shown in EW's cover. He has that uncanny valley-esque look to him. Like something's not quite right.