
Drawing and painting are very similar because it is mark-making. You are using a tool (pencil, brush, finger) and a material (lead, paint) to mark a surface (paper, canvas). Artists have constructed many techniques to draw what is in front on them, as well as what is in their imaginations.

This. And while the "different genre each film" shtick was certainly true in the beginning, it is now becoming more of a marketing ploy IMHO.

If by "long way" you meant totally fucking shit—full of data wasting, irritating, and in your face ads; bug ridden; frequent-crash susceptible; unnecessarily memory hogging; requiring the user to download apps for basic shit; questionably reusing multiple "tiles" on one "page"; and full of useless multiple avenues of

Man why did they cancel BC ? Why can't the industry realize we need more dinosaurs! Ive been eagerly awaiting something ever since this .

I rather liked some of the ideas in GT though. Including the evil Shenron saga, Trunks becoming a major character in an adventure and more. The canon thing is up in the air, but Toriyama actually was kind of fond of it, and drew a lot of artwork for GT as well. I'm up for some kind of an interdimensional DBZ movie if

I wish they had kept the grandpa quill scene in. Throughout the entire movie i felt sad for Peter's family that not only lost the mother, but immediately lost the child. At least that scene would show he believes Peter to be alright somewhere else among the stars

Probably, if the law had comparable wording and penalties for murder as it does for copyright infringement. It most likely doesn't in our wonderful modern world, though.

Conan is always first on tap with self-deprecating humor. He's also proven himself to be an incredibly kindhearted and warm individual off screen as well. Any nerd joke he makes is always in the spirit of fun. Learn to laugh at yourself, do that, and no one can ever take anything away from you.

My specialty is in the web and the slinging thereof.

I teach Unity game development over at I haven't posted anything on there in a few months, been working on some courses at Unity Cookie for the time being.

Don't worry, judging by the bill it is most likely a vegetarian. As long as you don't travel back in time and threaten it or its young too much you should be left alone. . .hypothetically.

Not only was there family drama, but it was the most cliche, uninteresting family drama imaginable, and it took up almost ALL of the episode. It was the first show to really get me excited for years (because dinosaurs, of course) and I couldn't make it past the second episode.

Eddy scrubs were half of the reason Yoshimitsu was one of my mains in those days. (The other half was "robot ninja with a laser sword".)

I'd rather see Arnold as the original human template, locked away in some skynet genetic sampling lab, and then after a decade or so of imprisonment he finally finds his opportunity to nope the fuck out of there just before Skynet deems him no longer useful.

I prefer the one in the article.

I love the regressor. One of the few tumblrs that doesn't make me reach for an antiemetic.

I think it was on Retronauts this past season where they were talking about how we're going to see a lot of low-poly nostalgia (similar to the recent waves of low-fi sprite nostalgia) and, uh... I'm totally okay with that! Some of those old 32-bit/64-bit character models are gorgeous in their simplicity.

Oh, please tell me we're getting the '80s shoulder-pad white jumpsuit.