
Aahh... Where is the cosplay that isn't Mass Effect/Bioshock/Pokémon/WoW/Elder Scrolls/Lol? I have now seen more people dress up as the girl from Bioshock Infinite than kids dressing up as Spiderman for Halloween.

On your right: PS2 part 2

Ah, Portugal had to be there. Them soccer games...

It's one of my favorite "consoles that actually look like consoles", along with the Gamecube, Gameboy and N64. Don't get me wrong, the Ps2 and Wii were slick, but I'm tired of stylish monochrome crap.

Heaven and Galactus.

Lovebeast is right. The fights are just an extra. The real game is all the customization options to create wrestlers, stories and teams. Really, it's like Spore, but better and funnier (specially if you have some friends to help create abominations). It may not be for everyone but I've had tons of fun on my PSP and

It's not awkward at all. This is how pretty much all intreviews go on the Late Late Show, and Fergusson acts like that on purpose. It's how the show works, so Notch was perfect for it.

Craig Fergusson! Called it as soon as I read the title!

Assassin's Creed 46 and Watch_Dogs 13 confirmed? Vita spin-ofs with feminine lead confirmed as well.

Hmm... Quite.

This is a tribute.

Just like Overgrowth!

Someone really, really tall should cosplay as Andy then, I think.

Damn, everyone is so stylish in this X-men movie.

Dang, there is just something about the design of the stormtrooper helmet that just makes them looks like fools from whatever angle you see them. That, and that is also a great shot, but still...