Plenty of Catholics don’t buy 100% into what the church tells them. The church would probably then tell them they aren’t real Catholics, but they think they are, so...
Plenty of Catholics don’t buy 100% into what the church tells them. The church would probably then tell them they aren’t real Catholics, but they think they are, so...
Catholic Feminist here! I definitely have a hard time reconciling those two parts of me, but the way I try to reconcile them is by understanding that God gave us free will and that He wants us to think and decide things for ourselves. Also, there is a difference between the people of the Catholic Church and the…
Same way that there are lots of pro-choice feminists who are “personally pro-life”—that is, they wouldn’t choose to abort themselves, but believe in the right for every woman to freely choose for herself. Also, it’s possible to consider yourself a member of a religion without necessarily following or approving of…
I’s no treatise on maxidresses...
Absolutely, only Democracy Now in my house. NPR is just so jejune.
How dare you speak ill of All Things Considered.
In France, everyone sends sexts with their kids in the picture. Americans are such prudes.
It's kind of sad how people can't see how they are intertwined.
I like listening to podcasts that are also radio shows.
Lady at work says to me a few years ago
I totally get where you’re coming from. I mean, why do people numb their minds with Twitter and other trivialities when they could savor a delightful essay on birding by Jonathan Franzen?
That’s how they get you!
I really don’t think that you can complain about no one discussing the Haitian Handicraft collapse without also making note of the problems with the Namibian mining industry.
Kelly is batshit. They should have promoted Briana to full-time wife status instead, especially since Ryan couldn’t be around. She’s far more compelling than Kelly (or Vicki). I think Heather is totally overreacting to Kelly, but Kelly makes it soooo... easy to not be on her team.
Hallelujah for not romanticizing the past! I hate hate HATE all this fakery about the good old days when families were better and society was better and everyone was all natural and whatevs.
she’s in the upside-down.
Okay, there’s no such thing as “leaving” the child with their father. My parents “left” me with my older sister when I had a fever and they went to the store. (I seem to remember Uno and Madame’s Place). NO ONE LEAVES THEIR CHILD WITH THEIR FATHER.
Not just leaving, but “leave her son *alone* with his father.”
It’s the most important job in the world and it pays nothing.