
The stories he tells - I identify with those stories so, so much as a nonbinary person. When I was young, I didn’t really want to be a boy per se, but I knew I WASN’T a girl and didn’t want to be a girl. What I hated as a child was immediately having people tell ME who I was or how to dress, how to feel or behave. I

Have the libs been owned yet?

You have no right to expect a reply when your argument is a load of bigoted bullshit. No one is required to respond to you.

Honestly, I like your response. I don’t agree, but thank you for being respectful and boiling it down to an issue. Sometimes life just sucks. It’s going to be impossible to solve this without screwing someone.

100% the absolutism is detrimental. It is a nuanced conversation that has to be had athlete by athlete, school by school, sport by sport. For the most part, schools and athletics associations have been having these conversations successfully, and that fact doesn’t get nearly enough attention. There are times when

I’d argue professional sports should be gender segregated for the purpose of curbing sexism and sexual harassment. I think any woman who has ever played co-ed sports could tell you a dozen stories about egotistical douchebags minimizing the women on their teams.

Ah, you're just being an ass. 

No cis guy is actually going to decide to “become” trans in order to dominate women’s sports like conservatives like to think.

They don’t dominate though. They have been in sports and they haven’t dominated.

Ooh, not so with endurance. Women are actually really competitive in endurance sports, particularly ultramarathons.

I think some of his points may be wrong - I’ll leave that for others with more knowledge to determine - but none of what he’s said counts as “sea lioning”. Nor is he “calling transgender people crazy”, unless your contention is that people with body dysmorphia are “crazy”. But what do I know, after all by your

“I don’t think that’s happening often, but the issue is “trans” is en vogue now”.

maybe the reason for the focus on trans issues instead of body dysmorphia is tied to the fact that while there isn’t hate groups and violence perpetuated against body dysmorphia sufferers... there are those things targetting transgender people.

again. please for the love of all that’s sacred, stop using coded language

sea lioning about body dismorphia is old-school transphobia.

stop trying to use coded language to call transgender people crazy.

I can tell you from experience that the first step in gender-related care is ruling out body dysmorphia, sexual abuse, past trauma, eating disorders, cognitive issues, and more. Nothing happens rashly or without careful consideration.

Yeah, you’re going to want to look up the numbers instead of looking at the ones the TERFs are passing around. You’re also going to want to look up what gender-affirming therapy actually involves before commenting on it.

but that’s their stock in trade: making up stories like welfare queens driving Cadillacs and farmers looking family farms because of estate tax. they think it’s ok to take liberties with truth when you want to make a point, even though the point they’re trying to make has no relevance because it’s based on lies.

I will be fair, your viewpoint is based on ignorance. I challenge you to find anywhere that it’s just that easy to change your gender etc. It’s a long, arduous process and trans people go through hell to get there. It’s not you say your female and you’re female. I gotta say, honestly, that’s a really, really unfounded

Mmm, you view yourself an entire order of magnitude more clever than you actually are.

Gender is so hard to define because it’s a social construct, like money and traffic lights it’s real and affects lives but it doesn’t have an objective meaning apart from the societies it occurs in.