Maybe we need to come together as a people and start trolling conservative blogs lol. Maybe somehow both communities of liberal and conservative trolls could find a common ground in assholery...
Maybe we need to come together as a people and start trolling conservative blogs lol. Maybe somehow both communities of liberal and conservative trolls could find a common ground in assholery...
As someone else said, it does partially depend whether or not they go on about it.
Seriously. The film Dressed To Kill did it back when people seriously didn’t know about trans stuff in general. It’s a donezo plot.
Is it really an imperfection if they can’t stop talking about it? I have plenty of coworkers and relatives I’m on good terms with who have pretty shitty views, but we’re able to maintain that relationship because they mostly keep those thoughts to themselves. I wouldn’t be able to do that if we couldn’t get through a…
I don’t understand how this works. If say, a PoC was rude to you, would you then say it’s ok that they’re racist? This makes 0 sense to me.
It’s almost like cis gay guys aren’t the only LGBTQ+ people in the world, who could have guessed?
Read your fucking bible if you want perversion, you useless piss stain.
you know, i’ve come to realize people who say this shit have clearly never been abused as a child. don’t trivialize abuse by saying supportive families are as problematic as abusive ones who beat you, tell you you’re worthless, and threaten you with death, poverty, homelessness, etc. if you live your own life. if you…
Minors are not allowed reassignment surgeries. They're not given hormone therapy either, until after puberty has hit at least, afaik. And puberty blockers are by design short term.
Hiiii. Children don’t get sexual reassignment surgery. That literally does not legally happen. Thought you’d like to know! :D
First two paragraphs are great but the third is completely off. You’re wrong and don’t know what you’re talking about. Young children DO NOT get sexual reassignment surgery. That has simply not happened. That’s pretty far out there. Hormone therapies and puberty inhibitors are not irreversible. You’re welcome.
Look up Jeffrey Younger and Anne Georgulas. I won’t do your research for you, but you can find other disturbing cases.
It’s not an option for children.
And you do?
Dear Readers from the Future: greetings from the past! No, this isn’t The Onion, this was an actual newsworthy item in 2020. You’re probably thinking, “Don’t they have much larger issues to face than pronouns?” and “Was it really that hard to just call someone what they asked to be called?” The answers are “Yes” and…
Not sure why you’re assuming any sort of permanence. If anything they’ve demonstrated their ability to shed outdated assumptions in the face of new information. Yes, gender is a spectrum, which is a dimension distinct from fluidity. It’s completely reasonable to assume what anyone asked to be called yesterday is what…
I mean this sincerely:
The child asked to be referred to by female rather than male pronouns. Should there come a time when she would rather be known by male pronouns again I’m sure her parents will be just as loving and accepting. For now her parents are simply following her lead
No they are not. If Zaya came home tomorrow and said “I am they/them” it’s pretty obvious Wade and Union would be super supportive of that. The point he is making is that they are here for whatever their daughter wants/needs.