This just in: women are only their genitals.
This just in: women are only their genitals.
Who won the 2020 presidential election, hoss?
So she didn’t break the record? A cis girl beat her? Rendering whatever feeble point you were trying to make utterly moot?
Check out the putz who doesn’t know how adjectives work
You’re better off just ignoring them, they’re just repeating nothing but TERF talking points-and not even particularly fresh or new ones. Apparently racism, rape, the carceral state, gendered violence, probably Al Gore’s loss in 2000, too-tight jar lids, daylight savings time, high gas prices, and the Challenger…
She did, too.
You’re bigotry is stale, it’s not even interesting or novel. I’m out. Fuck yourself, TERF.
Ahh, nothing like a good tautology to really make your bigotry pop.
Casually calling trans women men does not make them such, and it doesn’t make them violent either.
Ah, nothing like lying about how dangerous trans women are to really put a cherry on top of your whole transphobia sundae.
I mean if you can’t think of a solution, then what are you expressing here, aside from a discomfort with trans people’s bodies?
Ah yes the final form of every TERF, in which all of society’s oppression is caused by or funneled through trans women. Feel free to walk into the ocean, conservative.
That’s what they complained about, but that’s different (and honestly to be expected in a changing room) from “walking around the locker room naked, with male genitalia on full display”, which was what was claimed by bfred.
Dismissing a loud but very small contingent of transphobic women in favor of the much larger number of women who don’t mind or care if trans women are included is not oppressing you, regardless of what TERFs think.
“Liberal” with socially conservative beliefs. If you don’t wanna be called a duck, stop quacking like one. Have fun at the beach!
Which part of that includes writing false claims about what they said on a Jezebel comments section?
She changed in the changing room. Phrasing like “on full display” intentionally makes it seem like she’s out on parade. You know why you’re trying to make it sound worse than it is.
I’d like to invite you to my inaugural Social Conservative Walk Into The Ocean Challenge. Please travel to your nearest beach to participate.
There’s no evidence, beyond conservative rag headlines, that she was being exhibitionist in any way. The fact that she was naked in a changing area is hardly enough to incite a moral panic, though, so I know you have to embellish.