
Trump is an empty, grease-stained McDonald’s bag borne aloft by a stray breeze. He cannot control his direction, and his current height is due to the vagaries of chance. I guess the point I’m driving at is, he is literal garbage and his garbage-ness is so fundamental to his being that I don’t think he can actually

Yep. I don’t like him much (for those reasons), but this is fantastic.

or this will allow the pharmacy industry to start cashing in on that sweet sweet weed money.

The super-authoritarian use of “my generals” never fails to disturb.

I think former (older, white male) military personnel remind him of his father, who sent him to a military academy. And Kelly will only be as successful as the chaotic commander in chief allows him to be, which is to say, it’s only a matter of time before he’s either fired or resigns out of sheer frustration.

This is why I’m skeptical of Kelly’s new tenure as Chief of Staff.

I thought you guys were professional news people. As such, you would know that you don’t give real facts to the fake news, you give them fake statements since that is their format. It’s called professionalism.

Now I lay me down to sleep

Now I lay me down to sleep

Based on Twitter the maga morons are eating it up, claiming that

Yes, but I’m not sure that’s what this particular threat is about. Threats about withholding the cost-sharing payments threaten consumers. Since the demand for health insurance is inelastic, all of the costs and destabliations experienced by the insurers will be passed directly on to citizens. They are unlikely to

Highest stock market, best economic numbers, lowest unemployment...

This is interesting. I’ve been waiting 6 mos. to see someone say something like this. Just didn’t expect it to be Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ):

Why do I imagine Jared Kushner saying this a la some weird white people wasp-y party with white wine spritzers and sweaters jauntly tied around their shoulders. Him on some couch surrounded by a bunch of blonde, white interns, laughing over how too disorganized they were too collude with Russia.

Thank Jebus for the ACLU. Since the Dems seem to be pushing abortion rights and access to the back burner, their work becomes even harder and more important. They aren’t a perfect organization, but at least they aren’t craven sellouts.

Says you.

So what is someone as well-known as Tomi Lahren still doing sucking off her parents’ insurance? Is she actually unemployed? Is she paying them back for her part of the cost? Does this mean she’s actually a low-paid, unsuccessful parasite on her family and society?

That is what kills me about all the demonizing of the left. They like our ideas but because a black man did it and we don’t want white supremacy they hate us.

She likes the part of “Obamacare” she personally benefits from, but not the other provisions because freedom/free market. Checks out.