Oh my God. Our government is being run by literal teenagers. This is the stuff of my high school. Except the assholes in my high school mostly grew out of it. I’m just... aghast.
Oh my God. Our government is being run by literal teenagers. This is the stuff of my high school. Except the assholes in my high school mostly grew out of it. I’m just... aghast.
In a private meeting hours after the Republican-controlled Senate failed to pass the so-called “skinny repeal,” Paul Ryan read an excerpt from Gordon Lightfoot’s smooth seventies hit “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald,”
you honestly think a GOP Penis could control the clown car full of asswipes Trump hired? Miller, Bannon, SillyAnne, Hope, Lewandowski advising, the Derp sons, Jared & Ivanka all think (and probably do) have a direct line to the Donald — Reince was handcuffed from the start.
Poor, poor Priebus, sold his soul and then the check bounced. Always verify a DTrump check is good, my man.
Apparently, everyone hates Reince Priebus.
Rancid Penis was always my go to
Paul Ryan’s too stupid to get the irony that he quoted a Canadian singer-songwriter who, by virtue of his citizenship, has universal health care.
Note to the White House.
It’s baby steps. But remember, every time Trump goes down hard on something like this, even if it’s by a very slim margin, makes it harder for him to get away with the next awful thing. Will the Republican cngresscritters’ offices be flooded with calls and threats from Red Sate maniacs who are enraged that there…
republican Senators have quietly admitted the protests and calls had an effect on them and it’s why all the bills that were much worse than the Skinny Repeal didn’t stand a chance. Good job everyone
Given there is likely to be significant blowback from the right on this vote, I’m ok with McCain getting credit/taking the heat. He’s unlikely to run again - if he wants to bask in the glow of taking a principled stand (while likely protecting some other moderates from threats from the WH), that’s fine by me. Keep in…
Without Murkowski and Collins standing firm all along, dealing with the bullying and attempted extortion from Trump and his minions, Maverick McBlowhard would have just been all talk as usual.
Are you kidding?? This is huge! 3 is huge. And it’s a victory worth celebrating. That’s how incremental progress works, kid.... there are no magic bullets.
I really applaud Collins and Murkowski and their gang of 2 who had the spine and ovaries to put America above party.
Learn their fucking names: Susan Collins, Kamala Harris, Lisa Murkowski, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tammy Duckworth, Maizie Hirono and lastly and most importantly Hillary Rodham Clinton. To all of you ladies & the ones that marched & spoke you have my thanks, respect and…
Yes! I doubt McCain would’ve voted no if he hadn’t been inundated by postcards, emails and tweets, and if his colleagues hadn’t spent their recess too scared to show their faces in public.