The CEO of a Silicon Valley company wrote a blog from a home computer unaware it could be traced back to him? How the fuck does someone that stupid get put in as a CEO of anything outside of a Trump appointment?
The CEO of a Silicon Valley company wrote a blog from a home computer unaware it could be traced back to him? How the fuck does someone that stupid get put in as a CEO of anything outside of a Trump appointment?
It’s like that Australian joke about how the paramedics had to stop asking who the prime minister was because they kept changing too quickly, but instead it’s just the entire federal government being insane.
It’s easy to miss the McCarthyism when it’s surrounded by what cocaine would say if powders could talk, but that’s really the most disturbing part.
I will never know if I’ve actually had a legitimate stroke, because trying to comprehend the words of anyone in this administration feels like having one. This may be the secret to their health care plan.
OH, I totally agree. If this were brought up more, this bill would be even less popular than it already is. But I’m genuinely not sure that will influence the Repugnicans.
This is my friend C’s idea, so I give him credit: Why don’t the news agencies and papers point out every damn time the BCRA or the next iteration of it comes up, that it’s for tax cuts? Work it into every headline: from
History is filled with the bones of people who believed it hoped that Trump couldn’t possibly be as awful as he appears to be. So many people have confused his amorphous ideology and constant vacillation for a kind of hard nosed business pragmatism and moral flexibility that just doesn’t exist.
‘GOP Lawmakers Criticize GOP President’s Transgender Military Ban’...
I can’t believe where we’re at, when the LGBT community’s rights are actually being protected by some of the worst human beings in our country. Senators McCain, Shelby (from Alabama!), pig-castrating Joni Ernst, Mormon Orrin Hatch, and we can add Susan Collins, Murkowski and Dean Heller, too! (and I don’t think I have…
You forget: Evangelicals take away the worst parts of the bible and ignore the messages of love and kindness.
Hey, speaking of tolerance and american Christians sects, I do have few issues about pentecostals, Jehova’s Witnesses, Mormons and baptists. I’m sure there are others, but I can’t think of them right on this moment.
As much as Evangelicals freak out about Sharia law and Muslim theocracy, that is literally what they want to have here. They all believe all he founding fathers were good Bible-beating Christians that didn’t really mean all that “separation of church and state” nonsense except in the sense that government should let…
I don’t care if it rains or freezes
Just a little reminder...
I was raised southern baptist, and unless they’ve changed significantly since I walked away in 2003 (spoiler:they haven’t), they’ll bend over backwards and break their own necks to rationalize the shitty way they treat or want to treat people. So sure, this guy who just happens to be a homophobic xenophobic sexist…
it remains unclear which, if any, “Generals and military experts” Trump actually consulted.