
The entirety of Empire Strikes Back is also about failure though. Rian Johnson wasn’t subverting anything, the mid point of a trilogy is the middle act and therefore explicitly about failure. The rebels fail at the beginning with the Empire’s attack on Hoth, Luke fails multiple times during his training with Yoda and

I’m not making excuses, that’s actually how the data shook out. You can choose to ignore it if you want and most people who wave the 53% and 63% statistics do, but those are the facts regarding how the vast majority of Alabama voted. The Democrats swept every single voting bloc except 45 and older. Maybe more black

Roy Moore didn’t carry the youth vote, he’d didn’t carry anyone under 45 by any statistical margin, or mothers. So the 63% of white women who voted for him had the same median age as the viewership of Fox News, which is 68. These are old women, and that is the essential problem of why the Republican party is in power.

Of all the seasons you picked, it was the one that Whedon had the least input on as he’d left Buffy and was working almost exclusively on Angel. If I wanted to make an argument for how you’re not feminist, it would be based on you overlooking the contributions of the female writers like Marti Noxon who worked as the

The attempt at ironic echo is strong with you, isn’t it? A random internet comment isn’t gaslighting you.

It’s fascinating how I never mentioned Buffy, I was actually referring to Whedon’s body of work. I could’ve been talking about Dollhouse and that’s not a show you really want to go to the mat defending. The thing is, I’ve seen and read the body of Whedon’s work. This includes comics like Astonishing X-men where he had

It was watching Michael J Straczynski’s Babylon 5 that really woke me up to the fact that Whedon not only wasn’t a feminist, but showed me what a series written by a man who actually believes (and puts it into his work) looks like.

Charmed is a glorious gem, it is utterly and completely terrible. That may be why I love it, it’s one of those shows you can just turn on and half watch while cleaning the dishes. Still, I enjoy it in all its goofy terribleness. I like Practical Magic too.

Woulda been more original in a 69 or reverse gender.

I am just so unsurprised, and then I’m unsurprised by my lack of surprise, and then I want to bury my head into my pillow and cry. This just promotes the idea again from the Right that pregnancy is punishment. That sex itself is deviant and cannot be enjoyed, regardless of situation. If you aren’t having kids, then

Oh man, I remember that. Sometimes, it rolled into the idea that Trump would be better for LGBTQA and Hillary would be worse. It was the most ridiculous shit I think I’ve ever seen. That was all over the Tumblr hellscape after Bernie lost. (They also said Hillary would get us into more wars.)

It’s a cocktail of ego, down home Christian righteousness, belief everything is earned, selfishness, and male privilege. Coupled with intense xenophobia, intolerance, repression, and moral superiority. For Ebil’ Keebler, his particular brand is Southern flavor, cased in “Daddy Know’s Best.” Seasoned with eighty year

“I’m sorry, Jack. Moran’s already got a brain.”

I saw a guy flying the confederate and american flags next to each other off the back of his truck as he was driving. I live in the Seattle area. It was weird.

My response to the forced birth people is if they’re unwilling to provide services and care for the child in gestation (pre-natal care, covering hospital costs associated with pregnancy, various after birth medical expenses, doctor visits, surgery expenses in regards to the birth, paid maternity leave, etc) and social

I’m glad he got jail time, but I’m pissed that the jail time is so little. It’s just another reminder of how vast the standard still is.

Eww. Eww. Eww.

Now I’m really glad Nina Dobrev got out of her relationship with him. Leave him, Nikki. That is controlling asshole behavior. He’s pretty to look at, but you deserve better.

It really is sweet how you think he’s been somehow disadvantaged by what he posts on the internet. You’ve got a good heart.

Ahhh, she gives voice to my fear about him not accepting term limits. No! NO! KATY! THAT IS TOO TERRIBLE A FUTURE TO CONTEMPLATE! (She’s probably right too.)