‘member when people claimed that America was now “post-racial” because they elected a Black Man for High Office.
Wash out your filthy mouth, Herr Drumpf. One could say that LBJ was the President in recent history that most resembled Trump in his personal, give-no-fucks style, but he was also an extremely hard worker who did his time in the trenches of lower political office, and once he attained the White House, signed…
MS-13? You mean the gang that got its start when we took a bunch of young, undocumented men and trained them in gang culture by sending them to US prisons before deporting them to unstable countries where their gangs could flourish?
Right...except trump’s immigration gestapo seems to be cracking down on teenagers and single moms instead of going after cartel members who, you know, shoot back.
Since everything seems to be projection with him, I’d start checking Trump Tower.
I mean this guy is the king of projection so you can pretty much guarantee this is the case.
He really does want his people to start killing people—immigrants, dissenters, feminists, Muslims, anybody who’s handy. Every ugly little word that comes out of his ugly little sphincter of a mouth is an incitement to riot.
Sounds like a vivid fantasy he harbors himself.
Trump hates Obama because Obama made a joke at his expense at the Correspondants Dinner years back and Trump never took it well.
Team RPatz. These are people who have gone out of their way for years to make his life incredibly difficult. They spew racist hate at his girlfriend* constantly and there is just no way that doesn’t take a toll on his relationship.
RPatz had people scratching their necks open and offering to let him drink. Dude is allowed to be freaked out for forever over that.
“Another repeal Obamacare vote is expected to take place on Wednesday.”
I don’t know what I feel weird about, that there are still die-hard twilight fans and that RPatz is talking shit about them.
BCRA is such a weak name. No wonder they don’t get every Republican vote. I propose
It’s fun how they just totally ignore that a very substantial swath of the country doesn’t remotely want thus. The GOP is basically an obstinate child with its fingers stuck in its ears, going ‘lalalala, I can’t hear you!’ This is what we’ve come to.
So their plan is to cripple the ACA, and when everything goes to shit as a result, say it doesn’t work and repeal it. Fucking assholes. The only reason insurance of any sort works is because everybody has to buy in. Share the cost. That’s why car insurance works. That’s why the old healthcare system didn’t work. Take…
I’m just glad John McCain has returned from his sick bed to do away with whatever goodwill remained for him.
Wow, screwing both individuals, small business, AND large corporations in one fell swoop? Quality legislating right here, folks.