
He is now the what, third? Fourth? Wall Street guy in the White House at this point.

Just a reminder: People complained that Hillary was too close to Wall Street as a reason to support Trump.

Not shown: Spicer laughing hysterically, taking off his pants, running around the press room screaming and throwing Dippin’ Dots at reporters and slapping Huckabee Sanders across the face with a dead beaver while screaming “OUTTIE FIVE THOUSAND, BITCHAAAAAS!”, then plunging into the shrubbery, insisting it was “his

Just in: resignation letter leaked.

We are losing some gold SNL material!

Farewell Spicey Time!

$12 a year. I believe that is the Gerber Life Plan, which they advertise every 5 minutes on the cable news channels he loves so much.

1. He’s definitely confusing life insurance with health insurance. Wow.

Which is incredible. The wife of the Japanese Prime Minister pretended to not speak English for hours to avoid having to have a conversation him. She is now everything.

TRUMP: So, I was seated next to the wife of Prime Minister Abe [Shinzo Abe of Japan], who I think is a terrific guy, and she’s a terrific woman, but doesn’t speak English.

No I get that. But what 21 year old has life insurance? I didn’t get that until I was in my late 20s and that was only because I had a niece and nephew.

People don’t realize he loves holding my hand. And that’s good, as far as that goes.

Major props to Ms Kur

Here’s a preview of what the senate Republicans’ meeting to try and revive the healthcare bill is going to look like:

Trump and the GOP big wigs are just making it clear that they have no plan whatsoever to make anything better, but simply wants to erase everything the previous administration put into place.

You are so right.

When people who have more money than they could ever possibly need see other people who are struggling to get by because the distribution of wealth is so unfair, and they somehow tell themselves that the disparity is because they “earned” it, they’re assholes. That’s how I look at it. No, they don’t “have” to give

Extremely wealthy people are actually great, this millionaire suggests...The sheer fact of their wealth, Scaramucci ventured, must mean that “certainly they’re super talented.”

Also a lot of them, including a lot of the worst of them, get there through inheritance (between 40 and 50%, by some estimates).

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance against its enemies, the wealthy, who consider their privileges (meaning private laws) to be the foundation of all human rights.