
Sooo his national plan for unity involves hosting rallies for his base where he openly mocks opponents...and we’re supposed to find some middle ground and stop calling these people morons?

considering the fact that we literally have no idea what the next four years will look like

Are taxpayers paying for this shit? Because what a fucking colossal waste of money if we are. This fuckface does not need his ego fed on my money.

Just look at all the backpacks and teh youths! She gets us. [/s[/s]]

but the American people understood that it was a deranged soup of hyperbole and bluster, accepted that for what it was and voted him into office thinking, “Hey, you know what, he doesn’t mean half the shit he says, probably, so I’m definitely going to vote for THE REPUBLICAN ON THE BALLOT.” In what rational world

Ooh, ooh, I know: because if the Trumpsters had lost, they had plans to astroturf paid protestors. Everything they do and say is projection.

Now playing

“Hey, you know what, he doesn’t mean half the shit he says, probably, so I’m definitely going to vote for him.” In what rational world does that make any lick of sense?

What is the benefit of denying climate change? Not feeling guilty about driving a carbon-monoxide spewing, gas-guzzling SUV? Blithely indulging in consumerism with no thought to growing Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Avoiding the hassles of recycling?

I knowwww, isn’t that the sickest punchline ever?? Senator Snowball, Anti-Science Wackadoodle Par Exellence, in charge of.... environment and public works.

Still can’t watch the news, so I don’t know what’s going on here, but I just came to say that Rep. Ellison is beloved in MN. Even the people who hate his politics still respect the guy because of his absolute devotion to his district and his state. He has deeply held and very strong convictions, but he is not an

This. Yes.

“Pro-life” is about controlling women, period, and it always has been. Yes, they convince many true believers that it’s about baby murder, etc., but for the legislators, it’s control. Many would prefer dying women, because hey, at least she’s controlled and not voting for Hillary or causing trouble.

well fuck fuckity fucking fuck fuuuuuuuuuuck fuckity

Sort of unrelated, but much needed, and I’m reposting it everywhere.

The systems of power have been colluding for decades to benefit seniority and the rich at the expense of the young and the poor. Of course young people are going to be pissed about it.

I’m tired of hearing about how his tweets are a distraction. He’s going to be POTUS. His tweets are pretty fucking important. That he whines and tweets out baseless shit is scary and sets a dangerous precedent. I also think he’s just stupid, impulsive and unhinged - so his tweets reflect those character traits. In

As the saying goes, Roe v. Wade was not the start of abortions, it was the end of women dying from abortions.

God, I wish somebody would point this out, but DONALD TRUMP CAN’T DECIDE BY HIMSELF HE IS GOING TO PROSECUTE HILLARY CLINTON. Why can’t a supposedly intelligent and smart journalist bring that up or even note that