
Pretty much agreed. I don’t understand the dismissive attitude like this is a little thing. It isn’t everyone, but there’s a lot of that, and the main article is downright snarky. “How dare these silly women seek to protect democracy and voters’ rights? Ha ha, these old girls are probably just high.”

So a couple of things: If you and your family don’t want to live in the White House then maybe don’t run for President. Also, I know that it is normal for Secret Service to secure the president, no matter where he is staying but the idea of the US Government paying the president as part of protecting the president is

Maybe one day they’ll realize that to save themselves from the effects of rapacious, unrestrained capitalism, they for some fool reason elected the poster boy for rapacious, unrestrained capitalism. Probably not, though.

Doesn’t care to what, grift? Not like Cheeto’s going to do any actual presidenting anyway, Cotton Hill’s gonna do all that for him.

Via Gabby Schulz. I’m sorry people are being dicks. More than dicks.

Now a bunch of fascists who hate and want to crack down on dissent have control of surveillance and the press in a corner.

You said it here. The Fourth Reich. I’ll remember this when in that Owens Valley gulag.

I am boycotting his speaking. I didn’t watch the victory speech. Didn’t watch 60 minutes. I didn’t watch this video. I won’t watch any speeches of his, because I know they are all bullshit. He means none of what he says. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about and watching his crap will do nothing but ruin my day.

It’s amazing to me how quickly the “mainstream media” has normalized this shit. Not even two weeks after the election, and still months before he’s sworn in, and fucking CNN is already waffling on whether it’s really fair to expect the leader of the free world to alienate his base by confirming that he doesn’t think

I gave it two seconds of thought and then realized that I was crazy because people who thought he wouldn’t be as bad as advertised are morons and we’re proved wrong within days.

Gosh, Kellyanne, if the president-elect loses his shit over minor things like the VP-elect being gently reminded to consider other people during his term or being satirized on a TV show—something that every president and a whole host of political leaders have faced since the show’s debut in the mid-1970s—how is he

I’m an atheist. I can’t believe all these *good Christians* in government have not suggested a list for us yet. Maybe after the Muslims.... We know there’s precedent for that, too.

George Takei recently shared a spin on “They came first for the Communists” that I find fitting. It went something like:

The fact that anybody, ANYBODY, thinks this was in any way acceptable is infuriating to me. People were made to give up their lives and leave everything to move there on pure unbridled speculation and fear of “others”. Many had to sell their homes for pennies on the dollar to vultures who knew the people had no other

My God, Fuck these people. Fuck these people so hard. This tap-dancing bitch is the Baghdad Bob of our now Post-Truth World and we’ve got to listen to her “explanations” for how long now?

He’s still talking about Hamilton, not the fact that Trump is filling his cabinet with fascists, or Trump’s unprecedented settlement for fraud, or his essentially selling presidential favor to foreign dignitaries crawling over each other to give his family money and stay at his hotel in the hope of currying favor.

She hasn’t been the sane one EVER. See: comments on rape. Also: every damn word she said throughout the campaign, because the word salad, talking around circles and dropping the snide to get away from being called out is her thing. KAC is the walking equivalent of what Radio Rwanda was doing pre-genocide, and that

the state-sanctioned propaganda and attempted free speech suppression that it certainly is.

“He has over 25 million followers on Facebook and Twitter and it’s a great way for him to take his message directly to people, cut through the noise or the silence, whatever the case may be,”