I like it better this way. No offense.
I like it better this way. No offense.
Call them what they are Neo Nazis. These guys don’t like political correctness so respect their wishes & call them what they really are. (I’ll also accept calling them racist asshats)
Sorry. But you voted for Trump, you voted for the whole package. I’m willing to explain why I voted for Clinton’s best and worst attributes (tomorrow, I’m going to bed now). Trump voters aren’t allowed to shrug away the disgusting shit he’s proposing.
Let’s strip away the benign sounding label “alt right” and just call it what it actually is: Neo-Naziism. Fascism. White Supremacy.
I’m gonna echo the other people here who have asked Jezebel to start referring to the alt-right as what they have always been. They’re Neo-Nazis. They always have been. All of the writers at Jezebel know this, I believe.
I really wish the LA or NY Times would have the balls to just print in big black letters “Yes, they are Neo-Nazis, yes they hate you, yes you need to fight back before shit gets even more real.” Seriously, Peter Thiel can’t sue everyone out of business unless he is Goebbels?
But Hillary Clinton is just as bad as Trump and . . . fuck it.
Please stop with the “alt-right.” They are neo-nazis. White supremacists. White Nationalists. Take your pick. But do not use the language they adopted to hide who they really are.
...in 1986, Sessions was deemed too racist to serve as a federal judge.
Since they’re doing nazi salutes, can we just do away with the euphemisms? These fucking people want to see the second coming of Hitler.
We overheard the woman ask protestors if we were “self-hating white people.”
Alt-Right = Neo-Nazis
I can’t lie and say I’d be sad if a Santa Monica Farmers Market thing went down. Someone get a little ole senile bluehair riddled with cataracts a Buick and call it a fucking day, already.
STOP calling them Alt Right!!! They are NEO NAZIS!! The fact that they’ve given themselves a harmless sounding name does not change what they truly are.
Timothy Treadstone, the 29-year-old political consultant who apparently started the campaign, told USA Today that people who claim the campaign is a “protest” or “boycott” are misinformed, because, in fact, it is a “social experiment” the purpose of which is to “keep Starbucks accountable.”
I’m kinda reminded of that time they tried to protest France not participating in the Iraq War--by buying French wine by the caseload and pouring it down the drain.
“Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!”
Let’s take a moment to think of all of the actual harassment Obama endured throughout his presidency without ever demanding an apology.
Let me get this straight — Donald Trump and the rest of the Republicans are this bent out of shape because notorious right-wing demagogue Mike Pence got a few jeers at a showing of Hamilton, performed and attended by minority communities he’s openly threatened and undermined in the past?