Now playing

Honestly, if ever there was a time that we needed the ruthless, murerous, Lady Macbeth-esque Crooked Hillary of legend, it’s now.

Not to mention that HE WALKED OUT WHILE THEY WERE TALKING TO HIM from the stage. Talk about disrespect.


It’s given us what may be peak Biden Meme.

Mike Pence is a piece of shit. One of the worst politicians I’ve seen in my time in Indiana and that, quite frankly, is saying something.

One cannot respect the office if the office does not respect people equal under the law. Pence is terrible, and a performance of Hamilton is not going to change him. Boo the living fuck out him.

For real. A show written by an immigrant, starring minorities, with an openly gay man currently playing the lead.

Mike Pence has been an anti-LGBTQ hate monger for years and just won an election on a campaign based on that same hate mongering.

Trump Pence have no plans of applying civility, they shouldn’t expect it.

I fully concur with this statement, Ashley. Dude deserves boos and hisses thrown his way during all hours of the day. These assholes from the NYTimes should realize that he’s not trying to engage anyone. Stop trying to make him look good, he’s not fucking worth it.

Mike Pence is a walking bag of dirt. Fuck him. I hope he is booed everywhere he goes for the rest of his life.

HELL YES. If I read more think piece about the plight of the middle class white man, I will kill someone. Those lazy ass motherfuckers only had their precious manufacturing jobs because they excluded minorities and women in the forties, fifties, and sixties.

Let’s all pledge to become better. spend a little more time caring, hungry for the truth. Only us the people can make this better

I know one “fashion house” that would love to work with her husband’s entire administration: Hugo Boss

Vogue has a long history with the First Lady, regardless of party affiliation. But it doesn’t matter that in 2016 she supports and represents and is part of a family that seeks to deport, imprison, intern, and incite violence against a large portion of its staff, contributors, and readers? Fuck no. Do better, Vogue.

To be fair, some percentage of those 5-7 million folks who turned out for Obama and did not for Hillary were unable to do so due to voter suppression laws that have been passed in the last four years. Probably a large enough percentage that she would’ve won the election if so many hadn’t been turned away at the polls

It’s also a bad narrative because we won the popular vote.

The DNC: running a prevent defense, if that defense were composed of people who are not very good at football and who had also been chloroformed and hobbled.

The 442 Regiment fought in the European theater of WWII and was made up entirely of Japanese American men.