
Not to be a Debbie Downer but no way. In 2016 Obama was president and in 2017 Trump is going to be president... I mean...

This August I finally cut my emotionally abusive father out of my life for good, and while that was LONG overdue I also lost my mother, brother and sister. It makes me sad but I have to remember the collateral damage isn’t my fault. My life is still much better without him in it, even if that means losing my

I forgot to go to the pot store today and now I’m sad. Granted I have a lot of pot but I was hoping to try something different tonight. Still looking for something more relaxing and pain relieving.

My first thought was “What kind of strip club plays Red Dawn?” Yeah, I’m really tired.

Alan Rickman destroyed me :(

Lmao I also actively avoid foods that say they have no GMOs.

I will be devastated when Burt Reynolds dies.

I will read that next! I don’t know if I could chose a favorite between AK and W&P. They are both just amazing stories.

I read them both on my Kindle and I think that helped a lot with the intimidation/ overwhelming factor.

No bullshit, War and Peace and Anna Karenina are two of the greatest books I’ve ever read. I LOVED War and Peace especially.

I’m pretty sure the Satanic Temple is an Athiest organization, and differs from organizations such as the Church of Satan (though people may be members of both.) I believe TST is less about Satire than it is about claiming a religion since I don’t believe Atheism counts. I could be wrong about that though.

Pence = Cheney?

But wasn’t it Hillary who was in with evil Goldman Sachs? Is this “draining the swamp?” Replacing corrupt politicians with corrupt private sector folk? Is this what Trump voters wanted, cause I’m really fuckin confused.

holy shit. but if you cant diy one plenty of places sell small pinatas!

I work in an estate planning law office and it does take awhile for things to start moving. Especially if the estate was larger, it will likely be months before you’d get any money.

Ok reading this, are we the same person?! I had horrific PPD, had an emotional/ physical (just kissing) affair this summer, got my family 20k in debt with bipolar spending, and had to cut off my own emotionally abusive parents which has just sucked even more. I love my kid with all my heart but I also HATE children

I’m so sorry. I relate so much. I’m 28 and just feel like a failure. I have an amazing husband, beautiful daughter, cozy home, and a great part time job and yet I cry every day about how much better my husband and daughter would be without me because of my health issues. I totally get it. *hugs*

I just got discharged from the hospital yesterday after being in for nine days. I had a gastric bypass and j tube placement for gastroparesis, then one of my drains didn’t want to stop draining, then I got a bowel obstruction.

God you should see the Easter basket setups kid get these days. I don’t remember any of my friend pulling goods like that in the 90s, so I know it has to be a new thing. I mean some kids get pile bigger than most kids do for Christmas!