
I was going to do this too because I feel like the Santa thing is weird, but by age 2 my daughter was picking up the jist of the holiday through the outside world, and by 3 she was a full believer- and in a sweetly magical way too. I say just alter your own Santa story. Leave out the watching part and that he can

I mean I’m not saying they should go to jail for child neglect but they should have gotten a ticket!

No because unless the stroller goes high speed into a wall the straps won’t compress.

When the coats compress in a crash the loose belts make it easy for a child to be ejected.

Yeah I have Bipolar I and traumatic events have thrown me into manias before. When celebs start to have obvious mental health issues it makes me sick to gawk at them. Britney and then Amanda Bynes... I wish we could just leave them alone and wait to hear about their recovery.

I am SO glad that baby was ok but goddamn I’d throw every ticket in the book at those parents. PROPERLY RESTRAIN YOUR CHILDREN!!! (And remember no puffy winter coats in the car seat! Use them like a blanket over the child once they’re already strapped in!)

Exactly- especially if he has underlying mental health issues. I hate to armchair psychologist but I’ve heard rumblings he is Bipolar I and all of this could have likely triggered a massive manic episodes thats including delusions, etc.

92 years old, after a 3 year struggle with leukemia, Nefertitties is on her death bed, her chest slowly rising and falling with the artificial inflation of the breathing machine. This horrible state of limbo has been going on for weeks, but her brain is still showing activity. Her relatives have all said their

I wonder if Kanye’s slowly building paranoia was intensely escalated by Kim’s robbery. I mean, I’m sure they both have had pretty traumatic responses to that.

Aside from the cost factor, I think there’s a chance this might be good for Baron. To be away from his megalomaniac father who turned his other children into machines, and to hopefully keep his life as normal as possible. Well, normal for an uber rich and now well know white male child. Pictures of him make him look

I literally just got goosebumps.

Jeffree Star released the swatches for his holiday liquid lip collection and there’s sooo many I am in love with! Ahhhhh I need to start saving now!

In the first presidential election I was eligible to vote in I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin. :( I was a terrible 18 year old and there are a LOT of Facebook posts I wish I didn’t have to re-live on Timehop from those days...

I’m not sure whether I’m more delighted with what has befallen Christie or what has befallen Cruz. Silver linings I suppose.

I was wondering what they were going to do about the election episode seeing as how nobody was expecting Trump to win. The Obama (first term) election episode is one of my favorites ever. I remember reading an interview where they said they really didn’t have much of a plan on how to alter the episide had Obama lost.

Exactly. I am not understanding the attitudes here.

Well, we’re in this together. And we’re raising up one hell of a generation.

As some who has leaned Libertarian for a long time, I am confused as hell that Johnson would end up taking votes from Hillary and not Trump. I would have bet money that conservatives who couldn’t stomach Trump (I thought there were a lot of them?!?!) would vote for Johnson en mass, thus clearing the way for Hillary.

I was holding it together pretty well, and then my five year old daughter woke up and excitingly asked me if a girl was going to be president. And I had to tell her no.

Good for you California!