
This is why I love Jezebel so much. Just about every time I click on an article and find more shitty comments than good ones it’s because the article had been cross posted from a sister site.

The mouse thing is a South Park bit.

Yeah because being violently suicidial is SO much better. Antidepressants saved my life, don’t spout that kind of dangerous ignorance.

I always download books on my Kindle and then return them after I read them. I feel like Amazon is going to catch on to me at some point. Still waiting.

Mr. Finger you are a treasure. Thank you for saving Midweek Madness. This has been a throughly enjoyable experience.

My mom opened the buffet at my wedding while my husband and I were taking pictures. We probably only took pictures for like 45 minutes and the guests had snacks too. When my husband and I came over and everyone was already eating I was pretty pissed.

My cake was taken too before I had eaten all of it! I was so pissed!

Now that you say that I am pretty sure the same thing happened to me with ordering early and having the shipping cut it very, very close! I’ve blocked out a lot of wedding planning from my mind because it was so stressful haha.

Martha you fierce woman please drop Terry Richardson so I don’t have to feel conflicted about you anymore.

It was still cake, but my cousin has individual servings of chocolate lava cake and it was so. good. I ate like 10 pieces to the horror of everyone sitting around me.

We didn’t have a wedding cake disaster but we almost did! Our wedding was loosely garden party themed and we had a pretty, simple white quilted cake. When the cake delivery people showed up they unboxed and set up a beach themed cake. Luckily my husband was over near them and caught the error RIGHT before they left. I

For some reason it was just a name he liked! I was actually born on a Wednesday though!

I wish! That would have made it hilarious.

If Katy Perry can make me love a song and video more than Bad Blood then she is truly queen.

My dad campaigned so hard to name me Wednesday and my mom just would not have it. I ended up a Lauren and really I’m not mad.

Does anyone else remember the Tazoberry frap from the early aughts? I used to walk to the grocery store next to my high school to get one whenever I saved up enough lunch money. It was so amazing and then they just got rid of it! All these new flavors sound disgusting, bring back tazoberry goddammit!

This is really, really great. It makes it even more of a goddamn shame that Chipolte continues to support psuedoscience and fearmongering. I’m still sticking with Qdoba.

A Pomeranian!

He’s just a baby right now (9 weeks!) and I already don’t want him to get any bigger because he’s so cute now! We’ve taken him to a couple places and a few people have thought he was a stuffed animal!