
I want to say I can’t believe they’d cover up something so truly, truly heinous but I’m not. These people are the. fucking. worst.

Just kidding I found the page! (Page 11 for anyone else curious.) I am so sick to my stomach right now.

That’s really awful. There have been rumors Josh was sent to ALERT during that time though- I believe he was seen with the classic shaved head on one of the episodes where they only had 16 kids or some shit.

I’m hoping this will be the breaking point. They cancelled Honey Booboo for a similar problem (what is with these families and molesting underage girls?!) so I’m hoping they’ll do the same this time.

The Duggar’s cult leader Bill Gothard has a nasty habit of fondling underage girls himself. And it’s all the girls fault of course!

The Duggars keep all of their children in two rooms- one for the boys one for the girls. Yes even the 25 year olds have to share rooms with their toddler siblings. It’s bizarre.

They have PLENTY of money now. Jim Bob is a professional grifter who owns multiple real estate properties. These sickos are millionaires. Lucky for their children they are, and always will be, able to provide for them.

I hope this is the kick in the pants that TLC needs to get this disgusting family off of TV. Hopefully this will end Josh’s political career as well. Everything about this is truly sickening.

Good for the Girl Scouts! I had no idea they were so progressive. I guess now I know why some of my more... conservative... friends are putting their girls in some shit called the “American Heritage Girls.” Apparently to be in you have to be a Chrisitan. Which TOTALLY makes the “American heritage” part of the name

The last graphic truly made this article. Bravo sir.

When I was in high school in the early aughts my jeans could never be low enough (I WAS SO COOL!!!) I wasn’t comfortable unless I was pretty much exposing my moms pubis. My mom could never understand how I thought this was comfortable, and I could never understand how she thought constricting high-waisted

After having a baby I totally get mom jeans now. Like 100%. People may side-eye the high-waisted trend but my stretched out stomach paunch is jiggling with glee!

I didn’t. I wanted to keep my bouquet and I wasn’t about to buy another bouquet just for tossing, haha.

If the semen somehow drips into the vagina then yes! Unlikely but not literally impossible!

I love this, but lets be honest: the true American car is the Hellcat.

Surprisingly and scarily no! Tubal and vasectomy babies have been born!

I’d argue it’s an inborn human trait.

That’s exactly what I was coming here to say. No birth control is 100% effective.

Totally drooling over those eyebrows!

Starving yourself- intentionally or not- is no fucking joke. I had stomach/ throat surgery in early December that left me eating probably under 100 calories a day for two months- and I could only ramp up VERY slowly after that. I lost 30lbs and was sicker than I’ve ever been in my life. But the mental/ emotional toll