
I don’t even smoke weed and I want this!

It lent itself so perfectly!

This was amazing.

I would not, could not, in the rain. Not in the dark. Not on a train, Not in a car, Not in a tree. I would not do him, Ellie, you see. Not in a house. Not in a box. Not next to a mouse. Or near a fox. I would not do him here or there. I would not do him anywhere!

My mother-in-law is horrifically irresponsible about fixing her animals (growing up my husband saw them have multiple litters of puppies and kittens, luckily her new husband fixes all their animals) and when my husband and I first started dating she had this female Siamese cat that was so obnoxious we called it


That looks awesome!

That sounds really interesting! I’m adding it to my list!

This was really beautiful, thank you!

I appreciate Jez and all the amazing commenter here so much!

Haha I love that gif! My dog makes that exact same expression!

I am on a big ACTUAL SCIENCE kick right now (I’ve been reading lots of cosmology books!) so that sounds like exactly what I’m looking for!

That sounds super helpful- I am definitely interested in how neo cons think since I so blindly followed their beliefs for awhile. I think it will be good to read books from a wide range of authors!

Wow that sounds so similar to what I’m going through! I am also battling some depression issues and I can’t say I love my job (being a stay at home mom haha) but I’m hoping I can get some therapy to help me. I’m glad your friend was able to make things work and I think I will be able to as well!

Thank you!

I really appreciate you sharing all that and I’m sorry for your health issues too! My husband is also the sole provide because of my health issues and it hasn’t bred resentment in him but I definitely feel guilty sometimes. Health problems suck!

That is really refreshing to hear. My husband definitely supports my individuality and respects my opinion even when we totally differ, and he definitely hasn’t crossed any boundaries yet.

That makes a ton of sense actually! My husband treats me with 100% respect and equality (and then some!) and he is definitely more socially liberal than he’d ever admit out loud (pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-legalization- although we live in Colorado so that’s already been determined for us!) But if he was ragingly

Well we’ve had plenty of real problems in our marriage (murder of a family member, unplanned pregnancy, the total and complete implosion of my health) but sometimes it concerns me that we’ve changed so much. We got married so, so young, I didn’t realize it then but I do now.

To be honest, none of the other stuff I’m reading right now has been endearing me to him haha.