
At another commenters recommendation I just downloaded Naked Economics for my Kindle! Really I’m interested in the way that capitalism seems to be failing in our country. I’ve always been like “yeah free market, regulations are bad!” but now I’m realizing there’s a lot more to it than that.

You know what, this is what I needed to hear. I’m having a hard time connecting with anyone at an emotional level right now because I’m dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety issues and I really do need some (further) professional help for myself. I think this is what’s causing a lot of the strain I’m feeling

I think I’ve heard of that before! Looking it up, Klein’s other book about the climate and the economy seem really interesting too!

I just grabbed that for my Kindle- it looks like exactly what I’m looking for, especially to start off!

That sounds a lot like my husband and I, although I’m a little worried about what’s going to happen when my daughter is a teenager.

1) Management

Oooh thank you I am going to start making an Amazon list!

I read that people can actually survive that! Didn’t the guy who recently got a face transplant survive a shotgun blast to the head? I’m too scared to google but I think yes, haha. But yes also messiness. *shudder*

My mom and dad always have to take a turn and they just get ripped on for being suburban yuppies. The guy once said something to my dad about driving home in his Lexus- which was totally true! Cracks me up every time!

1) Can anyone recommend some good books about economics- especially economics in modern America? I got my B.A. in Political Science but I don’t know shit about economics and it’s pretty embarrassing.

Keep trying different brands until you find one that fits you best! Women’s clothes (I’m assuming you’re a woman, I’m sorry if you’re not) have bullshit arbitrary sizes that can differ a LOT from brand to brand.

I read a Right To Die/ Death With Dignity book that actually recommended helium for euthanasia. Apparently if you breathe enough of it in you will die.

Don’t ask why, but I read this entire book about euthanasia/ death with dignity (for the terminally ill) and it talked a lot about how unreliable gun suicide is- how a bullet can miss the targeted point by milometers and prolong death/ extend suffering, etc. Plus it’s messy. The book recommended gas actually.

I think this is more important than most women realize. The (often vicious) pro-breastfeeding movement has really taken the internet by force, but nursing is still condemned (more often than not) in public. Women are still shamed regularly and constantly for feeding their children because we’ve been conditioned to

This is sarcasm right? Because A+ sarcasm. If trolling, D- trolling, have seen worse.

Oh my god I don’t know why but I am crying actual tears laughing at this. Bravo! Bravo!!!

Is there a tomato guy at your local Ren Faire? There’s a guy here in Colorado who sits with his head and arms poking out of a wall and he just berates you while you throw tomatoes at him. It’s so great!

SAME HERE. My number 1 reaction to anger and frustration is to cry. I think I’ve shed more angry tears than sad tears in my life and that is really saying something.

Agressive lawyer dads can be scary as fuck (you knew you were in trouble when lawyer voice came on!) but they can also be very useful!

I find the whole topic of lab created embryos to be really fascinating. A friend of mine and her husband were both deemed infertile so she used embryo adoption to get pregnant and was sucessful with her second try. I had no idea that was even a thing until I saw her go through it!