I would definitely have lost my shit over smart phones. I have been phone obsessed since I got my first Nokia in 8th grade!
I would definitely have lost my shit over smart phones. I have been phone obsessed since I got my first Nokia in 8th grade!
I feel that way about the person I was at 20. Yikes.
Oh man yeah angsty (and unmedicated) 15 year old me would have acted like that for sure!
I still ask myself every day why I’m not an astrophysicist!
Hahaha god I was the same way. In order to argue with my 15 year old self I’d need to slap the clove cigarette out of her hand. I was *one of those kids.*
Both my 15 year old self and I am impressed!
Hahahahaha as soon as I hit publish I was like, wow reading that fast it totally sounds like I’m calling my kid a bitch- glad you caught it on the second read, haha!
15 year old me was very superficial too, haha. Wasn’t everyone? She’d be very disappointed my husband doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings and wears Wranglers every day, haha.
Hahaha well my kid can be a demon (just 30 minutes ago she sprayed 409 with bleach on my brand new bathroom rugs and ruined them!) and I can definitely say her being unplanned doesn’t make me feel any better. ;) Honestly if that pregnancy hadn’t happened I might not have ever gotten pregnant because of cold feet. I…
My eyebrows have never fully recovered from the damage done to them in middle and high school. :(
I too am like two of my 15 year old self, haha. She was pretty obsessed with how thin she was and yeah, that’s never happening again!
When I was 15 I was HELLBENT on being Child Free with a capital C (to the point of lurking Livejournal Child Free communities) but I eventually warmed to the idea and then was thrust into it with an unplanned pregnancy. I am definitely not one of those people who LOVES being a parent, but I’m glad things happened the…
You’ve gone through a lot and come a long way! I’m glad things are so much better now!
Hahaha omg 15 year old me (90lbs) would have died at how fat I got. But the anti-depressant weight gain was well worth the emotional stability!
Same here regarding the depression! 15 year old me would have felt like a real asshole for not taking those pills.
Wow that is awful!
It was my nightmare at 15 but all things considered it’s actually pretty great.
I agree that 15 year old me should have chilled out too! I also still love the same questionable music and TV shows too. Some things never die!
Yes my 15 year old self would be so disappointed I happily moved only a few miles from where I grew up and that I never lived in NYC, even briefly. But adult me realized how much I hate urban life so really I am happier.
Hahahaha! As a hockey fan this kills me! My 15 year old self would be very, very sad to see how far the Avalanche have fallen.