Pretty sure the Founding Fathers- a few of whom were vehemently anti-Christian- would foam at the mouth knowing the treatment religion gets in modern day America.
Pretty sure the Founding Fathers- a few of whom were vehemently anti-Christian- would foam at the mouth knowing the treatment religion gets in modern day America.
Absolutely! Especially when- come the fuck on- Scientology is SO ridiculous. I mean you’ve got to be able to see that even if you believe in it!
I think the episode parodying Hayes for leaving (the child molester Super Adventure Club) was one of the most scathing I’ve ever seen!
You know what else shouldn’t be tax exempt? Any church!
I read that book a few years ago and it’s just astonishing what those people are allowed to get away with. Have you ever seen the South Park episode parodying Scientology where they have a banner that says “THIS IS WHAT SCIENTOLOGITS ACTUALLY BELIEVE”? I thought it was a joke but nope, 100% accurate.
It’s how the patriarchy and rape culture hurts EVERYONE. Just as you said boys are expected to be sexual much sooner, and there is a greater emphasis placed on girls virginity.
If this gets cross-posted to Gawker you can bet they’ll come out in droves.
She’s a monster. She is a child sexual predator and I can’t believe they let her out of jail- except that I can because they let all kinds of sexual predators out of jail all the time (guy who kidnapped Jaycee Lee Dugard anyone?) I feel awful for that young man who has been groomed into a life he’s obviously miserable…
Amen! I’ll never forgive him for acting like that.
Every psychiatrist I saw in high school would be visibly surprised when I mentioned my GPA. I mean hello manic obsession? Not to mention it’s possibly to be good at something while also being mentally ill. I had a hell of a time with doctors until I found my current one at 18.
Oh my god we had to square dance in 6th grade during gym and it was so awful I had totally blocked it from my mind until now. One time I went to the nurse and complained of a “tooth ache” so I could sit out and when I got back to the gym the teacher called me out in front of everyone for faking. What a monster. Throw…
I had a rough senior year of high school. My ~first love~ had broken up with me at the end of my junior year and I spent the summer sulking and dealing with unmedicated and thus unbridled bipolar disorder. I had alienated all of my old friends by the time school started again and in a desperate move to have people to…
The constant threat of medical malpractice suits are one of the biggest reasons why OBs are so c-section happy in the first place.
Can you imagine how horrified those people are? According to a quick Google search Kourtney and Scott met in 2006 when Kendall was 11, i.e. a baby. This is the grossest fake tabloid story ever. (Maybe not ever, but you get the picture.)
I bought it and tried it because I was convinced that everyone was just applying it shitty but I tried it exactly how you said and it still looked absolutely terrible. I've seen maybe 2 pictures of people who have done it well but that was based on having nice lashes to begin with. Sticking on a pair of $1 Elf falsies…
I bought it and tried it because I was convinced that everyone was just applying it shitty but I tried it exactly…
I actually was just looking over the last post and saw it. Glad it didn't make the shortlist though, it's an affront to mascara which I take very seriously!
I actually was just looking over the last post and saw it. Glad it didn't make the shortlist though, it's an affront…
I'm glad that horrible Yonique mascara didn't make this list (did anyone bring it up in the other thread? I didn't read it.) Pictures of nasty tarantula lashes are all over my social media these days. Is it the new style?
I'm glad that horrible Yonique mascara didn't make this list (did anyone bring it up in the other thread? I didn't…