
I say this every single day.


Same :(

I thought some of them were pretty offensive- like the one about how a man proposes on his knee so he can’t punch a woman if she rejects. It really rubbed me the wrong way. But I’ll give him a chance as well.

Damn I didn't even know that was a thing!

I got pregnant. :(

My mom's maiden name is Loser (low-shure, and to boot my grandparents were THISCLOSE to naming her Gay) and she had to get Facebook approval too.

Was she saying that seriously or in jest?

Wow I didn’t know that. That’s really awful. I understand comedians “push the envelope” but as we’ve discussed here many times that doesn’t give them a free pass from scrutiny, or you know, morality.

I read the old Twitter jokes and they were... disappointing. But people can grow and change and it sounds like he’s moved on from that kind of “comedy.” I wish him well in his new tenure on the Daily Show. He’s got some very, very large shoes to fill.

/obvious trolling

I hate Cathy. Haaaaate Cathy. She has some serious issues.

My story happened at the Pepsi Center too!

I once the up on my sleeping little brother! We had bunk beds and I had the top bunk. One night I woke up sick and wasn’t even down the ladder before I threw up all over him. I’m actually not sure he even woke up but my mom was not happy.

Oh god I got swine flu while pregnant and I legitimately thought I was going to die.

I have a really fun disease called Gastroparesis which means like I feel like I have the stomach flu every time I eat. Last year I had two surgeries that helped me a little, but before my first surgery I had a not so fun experience at none other than Monster Jam.

I love this. I gave birth to my daughter at the ripe old age of 22 and have been struggling with my identity ever since.

I am an unashamed Dance Moms lover. I think Abby Lee Miller is awful (did anyone see the last episode where she told a girl to get her ears pinned?! what a monster!!!) but the girls are so damn talented. I just love watching them dance. As soon as my daughter was old enough to pay attention to TV (less than two) she

My husband always asks for the toy by name- so he’ll say “we’ll take a Hot Wheels toy” etc. I need to start doing that too. I wish McDonalds would just do that in the first place!