Am I the only one who figured she flushed some drugs down the toilet before attempting to Die Hard her way outta there?
The best part is when she fell through the ceiling.
Feel like this is the only appropriate time to share this story:
I’m a Bruins fan but man do I love Ovi. I love his game, love his passion, love his physicality (remember when Russian goal scorers were thought to be soft? Ovi was never soft). He’s such an incredible player and his emotion is always so clear. I’m so damn happy for the guy to get his name on the Cup.
The show’s main voice actors—Toshiki Masuda, Megumi Nakajima, Kiyono Yasuno and Nanami Yamashita—all quit en masse.
Slight correction - 2010 Lakers fans ARE current day Warriors fans.
Good thing they only need to win two games in a row
Your guys just lost 4-1 to a team missing it’s two best players.
Who the heck buy a new console to play old games from decades ago? Especially when the manufacturer didn’t announce they would port these games?
You don’t.
I’m sorry, but this.... I’m laughing and that gif doesn’t help. All that was missing was the “Wrap It Up” box.
I kinda liked the trolls. The game acts all “Oh, no, this is hard,” and then you trigger rage and pummel it into the ground because he’s just a troll and your the mothefucking god of war.
Here’s the thing about this particular troll/marketing ploy (if indeed that’s ALL this is - and I think that it’s really him): you fuck a goat, even as a joke - you’re still a goatfucker. And I say this as a former fan who defended him through all kinds of bullshit before this, myself.
He told me he spent 200 hours with The Witcher 2,500 in Grand Theft Auto 5, and 600 in Fallout 4. Skyrim was the only game that came close to his current Witcher 3 obsession, with around 1,500 hours logged.
Daryl sounds more like the name of a boring white person.
She needs to take the kids, and go before the children or herself get shot in an argument.
It actually doesn’t bother me. I always dated inter-ethnically when I was single. I’m proud of my identity and I don’t have a problem with anyone who isn’t attracted to that. My husband is Chinese and is the only man I’ve known who really loves me au natural.