Keep Calm, Hit the Bong

They’d better hope his son isn’t John.

I think they’re trying to have it both ways - showing a small token of support, but not going “all-in” in order to protect their asses.

Just looking at Benin’s “Gateway of No Return” feels like standing in a cemetery. Think of all the African lives that ended on that shore and were replaced with horror.


Where did the Moose touch you?

Probably the same way his parents criminally entered that ‘e’ in there.

That said, I am a shitty friend. Just not GRRM’s.

someone who knows, GRRM

must determine whether or not the tweet made a football like move

I will never get how people can get this hung up over fictional characters.

I don’t get this at all.

The worst, saddest part of this is that you’re from Aspen Hill.

It’s pretty impressive how well he is transitioning into an outspoken leader in the community. Ali really struggled with it and finally came to a head with the draft. Jordan and Tiger both lamed out, Barkley is the living embodiment of survival bias, Kobe only cares about Kobe, and Shaq is just a little too close to

Most white women with black children, are engaged in the struggle because it becomes a part of them. They want to see their children thrive and most want to see their children have connection with the community and all of its’ greatness. Almost all White parents of mixed children become a part of the black community

Because I went to a predominately african america high school and most of my friends played basketball like 30 hours a week but couldn’t hit a baseball off a tee? Is that a joke? 

I’m sendin you to Jesus

So much for the tolerant cleft

[Announces a safety can cover the field and make picks]

[Announces a RB can read the defense]

Listen, you sound really immature and defensive. If you were so grounded in your faith you wouldn’t have to sit here in the comments disparaging other’s beliefs. Your faith is yours, someone believing something else doesn’t take away from it. And insulting people just proves their point.