Seriously, take this guy instead. He can’t even WOO
Seriously, take this guy instead. He can’t even WOO
My favorite is they (correctly) hate it when men come on and go #notallmen, but now they’re horribly hurt when we call out people going #notallwhitepeople. The cognitive dissonance is incredible. Jezebel seems like it has a horrible problem with White Feminism.
love too use the logo of a sports team known for its foreign-born superstars to be the symbol of my anti-immigration movement
He probably meant Sheetz.
Yeah, but only because their players are better.
Frustrated college athletes across the country are begging their tutors to write a thoughtful rebuttal.
I’m a huge fan of how this comment escalates in sentence two.
It’s pretty safe to say that anyone who utters the phrase “fake news” unironically is an asshole, an idiot, or most likely both. Fuck Dave Clawson with Ricky Proehl’s corpse.
Ah...the classic conservative take. “I can find one example of someone not liking Newton and not being racist, therefore racism doesn’t exist!”
I bet his kids won’t be allowed to meet Mercury Morris.
It’s so nice that a player who feuds with his team and fans every stop of his career is getting $10 million to come out of retirement while Kaep continues not having a job for being a “distraction”
This is the dumbest hill to die on here
Oh boy. I’m a criminal attorney and this is, shall we say......... “problematic”?? That’s the word the kids are usin’ these days.
I am new to MMA and boxing, but I’ve really enjoyed it. It is amazing to me that these men seal their fists inside orbs of concrete and then spin around like tops inside the ring and when the concrete orbs smash against their opponent, pieces of the opponents body will just explode in a red spray of gore. But the…
Well there is a murderer sitting at the table.
maybe he’ll be president some day.
Hmm, usually Lewis does really well with Sharpe points.
Ray Lewis says so many words yet says nothing.