Keep Calm, Hit the Bong

Not my best effort but until I can actually use stars for something I don’t give a shit.

You don’t roll up in your regular ride when you’re about to commit a senseless homicide. You get a car that you can ditch quickly and walk away from clean.

That poor rando is the only man who truly knows how Reince Priebus feels.

These are not questions of opinion. The NFL welshed on a deal because it wanted to control the research. These are facts. They are established. It’s long past time that the reality-based community stopped letting people like you conflate fact and opinion. We let you toddle around for too long and our country got

+5 cents for therapy

“you are ungreying all these dumb ass comments that have no value”

Holy fuck, you have said some dumbass shit, but this is the most dumbass shit of all. Opinions are wrong all the fucking time. Nothing you tried to add to this “conversation” is of any value, and you deserve all the ridicule you’ve been getting on this topic. That doesn’t mean I think you are unintelligent, because

This is thoroughly unbelievable. I’m a worse person for participating in this exchange.

I don’t know what the fuck you’re going on about. I never said anything about your intelligence, but I did say the logic you’re using in this instance is off, in a snarky way that I would even use for a friend.

Yes, there are two sides.

Yeah, remember the Women’s March? Next day Trump signed the Global Gag Rule EO. We’ve tried this.

I will not rise to apologizing for the occasional tasteless joke when we are living in a literal circus. Dark levity is all some of us have left.

The GOP senators and Trump literally do not care. They don’t care whether you live or die, they don’t care if you have health insurance or not, they don’t care how mad it makes you, and they don’t even really care about reelection, because they know they can lie and cheat and steal and gerrymander the shit out of the

The first comment was your basket, the follow-up was your Iverson stepping over Lue

Like some sort of ban?

Needless flexing of authority, wild overreaction to immigrant, old and miserable.

McCain voted for the BCRA, despite pledging a few hours earlier that he would not.

Exactly this. McCain cloaks himself in centrist talk, but votes party line and people fall for this strategy over and over again.

Oh they had a plan and tried to hawk it for 20 years. Then a Democrat came along and implemented it and suddenly it’s the worst thing ever. The don’t have a replacement plan because theirs is already in effect.

After the vote, they yielded the floor to McCain to speak, and he TOOK DOWN his GOP colleagues along with his dem ones too. He gave a very nice speech about working together on a bill