Keep Calm, Hit the Bong

The man is dying of brain cancer and he summons all his willpower and remaining fortitude to go vote to take health care away from millions of poor people.

He could have voted no by staying home. He’s coming back to vote yes.

I come to Deadspin for dick jokes and absurdity. Diana’s reporting makes me feel better about it.

Her name is Lemon Pepper, obvs.

Clearly you’ve never had sex with Sting.

So sick of hearing Congressmen repeating “Healthcare is haaaaaard!” like a 5 year old asked to clean up his room. Another is “the failure of Obamacare” since it got me through the treatment of two life threatening medical issues (both considered pre-existing by insurance companies) without bankrupting me.

Senator McCain is no hero. I like guys who don’t get blood clots.

The settings should have been changed to gruesome fighting so there’d be some knockouts.

Coffee, black, jesus, this isn’t hard.

Right, Rey is like, so boring and not interesting to play as, whereas I have always found myself deeply passionate about, and highly invested in, small metal thimbles and top hats. I mean, have you heard about Thimble’s backstory???

Rickety Cricket would like a word.

I assume Jake Gyllenhaal is busy?

All things considered, that sounds like a pretty good way to go.

But Alt-Right is now seen as wankers who don’t even have the guts to admit what they are. It’s even worse to the brand as they’re cowards as well as fascists and Neo-Nazis.

I for one am taking this article and shoving it so far up the asses of those that gave me shit for preaching caution before rushing to judgment. It is very rare on the internet to be vindicated quickly enough to effectively rub it in the other person’s face.

I blame the government. Who expects old white people in Florida to comprehend intersectionality?

yapppp and this sums up everything perfectly.

And he offered his hand flat out, palm up. And Putin took a second to acknowledge. In Donnie’s world of grab from the top and yank them in hard? This was basically a puppy roll.