Keep Calm, Hit the Bong

“I’m telling you. I can make him do a cartwheel. Right here, right now.”

Lena Dunham isn’t going to see all of your posts. You can let it go.

Lena Dunham’s goal is to destroy white privilege by using it all up.

who the fuck goes after a no kill dog shelter?

Hey, Adam Driver was in those photoshoots because he wanted to, not because she made him.

nothing more than an attempt to make money off of the incident.

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.

I doubt they had trouble learning the concepts of the offense, but it was dealing with bullshit from Phil about “align your body’s chakras” and “if you become an Herbalife distributor, you can have others make money for you” that they had trouble with.

tfw u were rooting for polio to win

So more than 40 Trump supporters then reportedly showed up at the Starbucks, in Dilworth, N.C., to order coffee and talk to the manager and baristas.

(They still bought the coffee!!!$

I’m the exact opposite. I drink my coffee with no sugar, and my iced tea with sugar, so iced coffee is a refreshing beverage but iced tea is a treat.

“So it’s Property-Americans, then?”

I still can’t get past the mount of hype, intense scrutiny and breathless coverage that LeBron lived through as a teen, and he came out at the end of it, seemingly as a balanced and decent human being.

I thought he was evens at least for addiction or personal problems derailing his career.

I just love this guy and what

That’s one thing I can say about this E3, POC of were well represented and they got the hair right. Kudos to those developers.

I eat the original “pink slime”, scrapple.

“You’re telling me!”

Hmm...Law abiding gun owners ignoring the rules....Ok then.

“Why doth the peasantry fret so o’er this ‘Black Death’? ” ~Lord Pence, c. 1350 

And? That’s on the purchaser to do the research if whoever is selling it off doesn’t know. It’s still his property to do as he pleases. If he is doing it to sell it off, then yea be upfront about it or don’t do it at all. But if his goal is to keep it, it’s his to do whatever he wants. It’s not up to the “community”