
When and where did you go to school? I only ever had co-ed. Including swimming!

Me too, but LORD there’s only so much space on my PS4's hard drive.

Me too, but LORD there’s only so much space on my PS4's hard drive.

I enjoy driving, but I’m DYING for autonomous functionality.

So, granted I need to see the secret ending so I can be fully informed of it (I know its general gist, if not the exact content), but what do you think the deeper meaning of Inside is? I saw it as more of a narrative experience: here’s this dystopian experience, but WAIT! it turns out that who we thought was the main

Or the country goes down, and we become the new Uzbekistan/North Korea. Not much of a silver lining there

Unfortunately, we get caught in it too

I get where you’re coming from, but for me the narrative ambiguity is what makes it powerful. You get to craft the story in your head.

Are you talking about the normal ending (which I got), or the secret ending? Because the secret ending sounds a LOT more fulfilling

If sarcasm: you funny, you make good impression of regressive jocksniffing dipshits.

What’s the reason behind this?

Honestly asking: you hate people who are trying to drive electric cars instead of gas? And would like autonomous functionality at will so they can choose when they drive, and when they can put the seat back and grab a nap while on the road?

Find me a marketing job and I’m there!

Luke, love the reviews. No idea if you’re interested in this, but the review sent me flying to Amazon; why not involve the commerce team on this to get a cut? Or am I committing a huge faux pas?

Your second sentence utterly sold me. I adore Settlers, to the extent that I annoy the hell out of my friends and family by constantly asking if we can play.

You should have seen me at my old job. 14 hours a day was not unheard of; I was literally waking up, driving to work, working, driving home, and sleeping, and that was my life.

GOD, I needed this. I’m currently at the office; been here for going on 11 hours today, and I still have work to do, at a job I’m probably getting fired from at the end of the week. This is the career path I desperately wanted to do for YEARS, and it turns out that I might be fundamentally unable to, and it has

I’m on the verge of having to ditch this computer as I get fired, but I’m scared of having to lose this Kinja. I’ve gotten ungreyed on a few Giz sites so I’d hate to lose it, but I’ve tried entering in my userkey before and it never works. Is there any way to avoid such a terrible fate?

I’m with you on this one. DUAN has given me opportunity to vent about shit when I didn’t have anyone I could vent TO. Honestly makes me a little misty thinking about all the people who commented just to say it was alright to feel a way.

You’ve got a year left on Archer, two TOPS.

I audibly booed at this, but that’s pretty decent. +1