Jesus, that is the primo shit. Thank you for closing 2016 on a high note.
Jesus, that is the primo shit. Thank you for closing 2016 on a high note.
So incredibly tone-deaf, I respect it
What about Neo Geo? I’ve been thinking of building one so I can play the old arcade games I missed when I was younger.
No joke, I’ve been thinking about doing this ever since I saw that Bored to Death episode. Any recommendations?
That’s gotta be it. I’d feel better about it if we weren’t all fucked together
It’s interesting how different that’s been. I personally just despair even more when I see this shit (like, HOW did you not realize these things before you voted??? HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?), but I have a lot of friends who react the same way you do.
Kara will shit if she sees this. That’s WAY too overt to ever be shade.
“Make Wishbone great again” is also PBS’ big tagline.
This is objectively NP, but even more so considering this was the family car when I got my license, and I absolutely fell in love with it. I made it SING on country roads.
I’m in the same bind, and leaning towards Last Guardian, but this is because I think Square has only begun the process of patching/improving FFXV
Oh man, that’s too bad about the OC. I have a soft spot in my heart for that show and was thinking about introducing my gf to Seth Cohen and the gang.
This is the real question: Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, and Assassin’s Creed. You have to watch two of them; which do you pick?
Great show too. Very gif-worthy
Same. I have avoided continental breakfasts entirely because a waffle iron was nearby.
Not to mention that it’s also Russ playing both ends, not just shooting like crazy. I might be remembering this wrong, but I don’t think Kobe was playing for boards when he was on his shooting streaks
Man, thank you for picking Popplio. Poor Popplio doesn’t get enough love.
Fucking this. 100% I think Qasas are kinda wack personally, but that color scheme softens them and ditches the urban ninja look. The Sheik boot is dope though
I have fantasies about walking up to really well known actors and saying “I loved you in [worst movie they were ever in]” just to get their reaction.
Counterpoint, IMHO: