Thanks for proving my theory that the type of person who would recline their airline seat and the type of person who would call a perfect stranger a fuckface for no reason are the same person.
Thanks for proving my theory that the type of person who would recline their airline seat and the type of person who would call a perfect stranger a fuckface for no reason are the same person.
That was savage - who knew that Peyton Manning was taking lessons from Norm MacDonald?
copy editor: better make sure this is right
Is it just me, or is Melky applauding Freeland right at the end of the last clip? I want to believe that’s the case, because that’d be a good way to start the week.
Thankfully soccer fans are used to exceptionally long periods of nothing happening.
I dunno, I think this case is an outlier. Whomever organized this fight should be subject to criminal prosecution, or at very least wrongful death liability. This is outrageous, and clearly a situation where an amateur was put in the ring with a professional. Look at the difference in physicality and conditioning…
Susan’s mom perhaps should have been more specific when she told her before she left for the night, “If you meet a guy, make sure you use protection.”
My favorite part was when the bear didn’t give a fuck.
This happened to Arnold Palmer back in 1962. He was so shaken, his game never recovered.
this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.
I’m not sure Americans could do that with our own anthem
I think this is something you never get over. My little boy would be turning eight in a couple days. The hole is still there in my heart.
No love lost here.
Sanchez told the Daily News that she and her daughter were Reyes’ “road family,”
In hindsight, starting 11-30 wasn’t the greatest strategy but Spo always thinks out of the box.
Sorry if it seemed like I was taking a victory lap or gloating or something- I’m pretty neutral on the outcome of this tournament.... it was just a thought that occurred to me is all....
Goddamn polite Canadians. Makes me sick. Enjoy your single-payer healthcare and low rates of violent crimes, losers!
Please stop posting old articles as new stories just for additional clicks.
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Do it. Google Asian dongs vs American dongs. Tell me what you find.