
You’re missing about two hours of your first year of law school, apparently.

Guys, pay attention. It was only the end of the second quarter. Look at the graphic in the corner. It says “2nd” right there on the screen. Such an embarrassment to see a mistake like that on this usually-wonderful website.

Remember this handy tip when at an NFL game. Any time a fight starts breaking out among the white trash in the crowd, yell out “Colin Kaepernick is a traitor!” and soon everyone will be on the same page again.

They tired of being called “Hey Fuckface, get some glasses!”

Karjakin is also a great way to kill time in traffic.

That reminds me, I need to get a flu shot.

I was also bothered by that. That, and the child rape.

So how does she feel about the electoral college?

Those 8 months when Kate Upton was relevant seems like 10 years ago.

Or have him put to sleep.

#77 going berserker at the end is a 6'-3" 200 lbs 28 year-old freshman. I see great things from him the next three years.....

No surprise here, we’re not talking about Charles Stayer

Not black.

For the life of me I’ll never understand why the democrats cleared the decks to anoint a candidate who had already failed miserably in 2008 and who revealed herself to be isolated and utterly out of touch with the electorate.

Votto is an excellent example of small-market clubs needing to constantly build from within — and let free agent talent walk when they get too expensive. The Reds are paying for their bad decision now, and will for the next ten years.

Is it? Best hitter in the league, and he’s making $22 million this coming year, then $25 million for six years after that. Qualifying offer is $17 million right now! Inflation is an amazing thing in baseball, and it’s not like Votto’s a bad bet to keep hitting for the next five years. I actually wonder if the Red Sox

They’re happily waving goodbye to Bautista and his big mouth.

Knoblauch used to flash that same smile throwing to first, knowing he was making some lucky fan’s day with a free souvenir.

This one time, there was a huge possum sitting on my backyard fence, and I side-armed a tennis ball right at it and knocked it off. Pretty sure I had that same goofy grin on my face. That was my World Series.

You know who didn’t fucking do this? White Sox fans, after 88 years. We had some dead family members too but didn’t caterwaul about it endlessly.